Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Seven: Don't Cry.../Separate Paths...

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After storming out of the Main Cockpit in anger and hurt that his own Adoptive Sister did not trust him back there, Ezra slammed the close button on the automatic door in his shared room with Zeb!

Ezra: (Groans) All that trust talk between us... Trusting me to responsbile after my 6th Birthday... Our dream of taking back Lothal and creating our Jedi Resistance when I was Nine... Ever since our failed mission on Malachor, there's never been any trust between us... There's only trust with Kaitis now... Why did I have to almost get hit by a burning red Saber and fall into an unconscious Coma for Six Months to lose her trust and to see that?! (Groans) Man... I was such an IDIOT!

Unknown to him, both Zeb and Sabine had just come to check on the kid after he stormed out! Ezra frowned, as he remembered his Adoptive Parents's advice to be strong no matter what, and the very last words before they were killed in a prison escape about a Year ago...

Ephraim: You're a good boy, Ezra... Remember, be brave... Don't cry no matter what happens...

Mira: Don't cry, Ezra... Become a strong Jedi who doesn't cry no matter what happens...

Ephraim: That's a good boy, Ezra... Remember, be brave... Don't cry, no matter what happens... Become a strong Jedi who doesn't cry no matter what happens... And... live... happily...

Mira: Yes, Ezra... Don't cry, no matter what happens...

Ezra(Singing): I know your favourite song,                                                                                                                                                     I hear it every day...                                                                                                                                                      Whoever made your smile,                                                                                                                                           Made it to get in my way...                                                                                                                                                    And every time you laugh,                                                                                                                                              You make that little sound...                                                                                                                                            It's just the hardest thing;                                                                                                                                                    To love you, but not know how...                                                                                                                                              I hate that you're perfect, perfect for me!

Both(Vision Singing): What good are words when they always just get in our way?                                                                                                                And it hurts the most just to know,                                                                                                                             That you don't feel the same, the same!                                                                                                                       And I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me!                                                                                           (Oh yeah, hey...)                                                                                                                                                                         I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me!

Just then, both Zeb and Sabine entered the room, wanting to check on their youngest Crew Member before the mission started!

Zeb: Hey...

Sabine: Want some company?

Ezra: (Sighs) I guess so...

Sabine: (Sighs) I used to do stuff like this all the time with both Zeb and my blood-older Brother all the time whenever I was upset! Sometimes it's okay to let yourself feel sad... It's part of being human...

Ezra sighed, revealing that he wasn't the bad guy here... He just wants what it is best for all of us!

Ezra: I'm not the bad guy here... I just want what's best for all of us! We just have to think this through calmly! 

Nearby, Eldra overhears an important message about things changing even though it is difficult!

Sabine: How is what Eldra's doing to you any different than what was done to you for the first 14 Years of your life?! She cannot protect you forever any more than Kanan and the rest of us can't!

Zeb: That will be Ezra's decision...

Ezra: You must understand that, Sabine... Change is part of growing up, even if it's difficult to do!

Eldra frowned, it's clear what she had to do!

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