Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-One: In the Art.../Busted!

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Inside Thrawn's office, Hera still pretends to be a servant while Thrawn questions Captain Slavin about the Kalikori that he's holding!

Hera: Please! I am a poor refugee...

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Captain, do you recognize this?

Captain Slavin nervously said that it was in his Office while Hera lies that she thought she could sell it for food since her Family was starving!

Captain Slavin: Yes, it... It was here, in my office!

Hera: I thought I could sell it for food... My family is starving!

But Captain Slavin while wanted to punish Hera for stealing Imperial property, Thrawn inspects the Kalikori and knows that their prisoner is far more valuable than the Captain realizes!

Captain Slavin: No excuse... You shall make a valuable example to others of your kind who think to steal from the Empire!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: She's far more valuable than you realize...

Hera glared at Thrawn while Captain Slavin asked what the Grand Admiral meant by that!

Captain Slavin: How do you mean?

Thrawn explains that to defeat an enemy, you must know them... Knowing their battle tactics is good, but you also have to know their history, philosophy, and art! He gazed at the portrait of Hera and her Family before he asked Slavin a second time if he understood the significance of the Kalikori that he was holding!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: To defeat an enemy, you must know them... Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, art! So I will ask you again, Captain, do you know what this is?

But while Captain Slavin simply dismisses the Kalikori as a primitive trinket, Thrawn corrects him by pointing out that the Kalikori is a priceless family heirloom that is important to Twi'lek families!

Captain Slavin: Some primitive native trinket...

Grand Admiral Thrawn: It's a Kalikori... A revered Twi'lek heirloom passed from parent to child through generations... Worthless to outsiders, priceless to family!

Captain Slavin frowned, before pointing out that their prisoner stole it while Thrawn wanted to know why!

Captain Slavin: Yes... Well, she stole it!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Yes, but why?

Thrawn then got close to whispering in Hera's ear as she stared at her Family Mural Portrait, observing that she had only known war her entire life! While Thrawn has devoted himself to studying the art of war, Hera's entire life has been forged by war!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: War... It's all you've ever known, isn't it? You were so young when you survived the Clone War... No wonder you're as equipped in spirit to fight as well as you do... War is in your blood! I study the art of war, work to perfect it! But you... You were forged by it!

But when Slavin says that Hera is just a mere servant, Hera finally drops her disguised accent and finds the courage to speak up to the Grand Admiral!

Captain Slavin: Sir, she's just a peasant!

Hera: It doesn't matter where we come from, Admiral... Our will to be free is what's going to beat you!

But as Slavin is about to chastise her, Thrawn reveals who Hera is really! 

Captain Slavin: You... You dare...

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Slavin, please! You embarrass me in front of our host...

Captain Slavin: "Host"? What?

Grand Admiral Thrawn: May I introduce Hera Syndulla, rebel pilot, freedom fighter and military leader... Daughter of your nemesis, Cham Syndulla!

But before Thrawn could stun him, Ezra quickly pulled out his Blaster and stunned the other Guards! Then, Ezra quickly knocked both Thrawn and Slavin out, before tossing Hera's Kalikori back to her, telling her to run for it!

Ezra: Hera, run! 

Hera nods, before getting up from her seat and making a run for it out of the house! But as soon as she gets away safely with Chopper secretly close behind, Thrawn gets back up and stuns Ezra with his Blaster! As soon as Ezra falls onto the ground unconscious, Slavin gets back up and asks how Thrawn knew who Hera really was!

Captain Slavin: How did you know?

Thrawn smirked, saying that the rebels always have friends around them that are rushing to the rescue, before deciding to see who Hera's little hero was!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Because rebels have friends always rushing to the rescue! Now, let's see who Hera Syndulla's little hero is!

Thrawn pulled off Ezra's helmet, revealing who he really was!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Well, well, well... Looks like Hera Syndulla wasn't the host we had in this room!

Captain Slavin: What do you mean?

Grand Admiral Thrawn: So sorry, Captain... Where are my manners? May I introduce Ezra Skywalker, Lothal's very own Rebel, freedom fighter and Jedi Padawan... The Youngest Son of an old dead Clone Wars Hero, Anakin Skywalker! Someone who I thought was long dead 6 Months ago... 

Thrawn smirked at Ezra's unconscious form, knowing that this made the game so much easier!

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