Chapter Three Hundred And Twenty-Seven: Meet Mart.../Refusal to run!

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Jonner leads Ezra and the others to the cockpit, where Mart is waiting for them, as Jonner tells him that their friendly company has arrived!

Jonner: Hey, Captain! Company's here...

Sabine observed that Iron Squadron had only Three Crew Members, while Gooti made a smart remark about how well she could count!

Sabine: So, you guys are the entire Iron Squadron? Just the three of you?

Gooti: Nice... You can count!

Hera warned Sabine to be gentle while Ezra took the opportunity to introduce him and the others!

Hera: Sabine, show some respect...

Ezra: Hey, I'm Ezra... That's Hera, Sabine, and Chopper!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Gooti does the same for Iron Squadron, as Mart acknowledges that he is Sato's nephew before he asks Ezra and the others if Sato sent them here to get him!

Gooti: I'm Gooti. Jonner, R3 and that's Mart!

 R3: (R3 Beeping)

Sabine: Mart? I think we know your uncle...

Mart: So, you know Commander Sato... He ordered you to come to get me?

Ezra lets Hera explain that they were part of his Phoenix Squadron fighting the Empire, saying that they have come to Mykapo to help dissidents like them evacuate!

Hera: We're part of his Phoenix Squadron, a rebel group fighting the Empire... We came here to help anti-Imperial dissidents like yourselves evacuate!

When Jonner asks in a mockingly tone what evacuate means, Mart knows that it means running away like a coward!

Jonner: What does "evacuate" mean?

Mart: It means run away like a coward...

Jonner stepped back, forget that he even asked!

Jonner: Sheesh... Sorry that I asked!

Mart tries to get Hera and the others to understand that he and his own Squadron fight and make the Empire evacuate instead!

Mart: Unless you didn't notice, we fight and make the Empire evacuate!

As Hera insists that the Empire will return, Gooti attempts to break up the discussion to serve them waffles!

Hera: They'll be back!

Gooti: Can we eat? I'm starving! Let me in there! Hey, you want some?

 Hera declines their offer of food and attempts to debrief them. but Jonner says that he is not interested in listening!

Hera: Thank you, but we don't have time! Let me debrief you on our plan to...

Mart: How debrief is this gonna be?

Jonner: Look, it doesn't matter! We are not going anywhere!

Ezra tried to reason with them, but Mart wouldn't listen, as Hera reminded Mart and his Crew that she and the others helped save their lives back there!

Ezra: You can't stay here and fight the Empire alone!

Mart: What do you think we've been doing?

Hera: If we hadn't jumped in and helped you back there...

But Mart insists that he and the others had it under control, thinking that they single-handedly destroyed a Star Destroyer; mistaking the Gozanti cruiser they destroyed

Mart: Helped us? We had everything under control! Didn't you see how we chased off that Star Destroyer?!

Sabine: Yeah, that was not a Star Destroyer... It was only a transport!

 Hera admits that while all the members of Iron Squadron are very brave but knows that the Empire will return to Mykapo... And once they do arrive in full force, none of that will matter!

Hera: You're all very brave... But once the Empire arrives in full force, that won't matter!

But Mart however refused, this Planet was their home... He and the others weren't gonna just leave so some Imperial Goons could take it!

Mart: This is our world, and we aren't just gonna leave so some Imperial goons can take it!

Both Gooti and Jonner agree with their captain's statements, feeling the exact same way!

Gooti: We're not gonna run!

Jonner: Not now, not ever...

As Mart and his teammates left, Hera and Sabine both frowned, before they saw that Ezra was shaken up by something, and it wasn't the Empire for once in his life...

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