Chapter One Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight: The New Admiral!/Thrawn's plan...

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Aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer, Admiral Konstantine was having a briefing with Agent Kallus, Governor Pryce, and Grand Moff Tarkin, claiming that while Governor Pryce overestimated the threat of the Phoenix rebels, he dismisses them as a small problem that can't stop their plans for Lothal!

Admiral Konstantine: I'm certain Governor Pryce is overestimating how organized the resistance is... While it's true there are pockets of rebellion, there has never been any evidence of a larger scale, galaxy-wide operation!

However, a new voice enters the room, saying that he would like to keep it that way!

???: And I would like to keep it that way, Admiral Konstantine!

Admiral Konstantine frowned at the new person in the room while Grand Moff Tarkin introduced Grand Admiral Thrawn to everyone, with the recent promotion that the Emperor had given to him after his victory at Batonn!

Grand Moff Tarkin: Grand Admiral Thrawn...

Agent Kallus: "Grand Admiral"?

Grand Admiral Thrawn: The Emperor recently promoted me after my victory at Batonn!

Agent Kallus: Civilian casualties outnumbered the insurgents at the time...

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Acceptable margins, Agent Kallus, for there are no longer Rebels in that sector!

Seeing that Thrawn was the person that Governor Pryce had asked for, the new Admiral and Grand Moff Tarkin both quickly cut to the chase!

Grand Moff Tarkin: Well, Thrawn, what do you think of Governor Pryce's theory about the rebels in the Lothal sector?

Grand Admiral Thrawn: This is a pirate our rebels rescued from Naraka prison, Hondo Ohnaka... Within the last hour, the Phoenix Squadron destroyed Mining Guild ships using the Sereeda Hyperspace Waypoint... Taken separately, they may seem unrelated, but Ohnaka's cellmate was a laborer at our starfighter reclamation plant in the Yarma system, one jump point away from the Sereeda attack!

Governor Pryce: Grand Admiral Thrawn believes the Rebels intend to raid the plant and steal fighters for their fleet!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Every ship they add to their arsenal increases the threat to our own armada and the Emperor's plans...

Grand Moff Tarkin: I trust you have a solution?

Grand Admiral Thrawn: I will start my operations here and pull the rebels apart piece by piece... They will be the architects of their own destruction!

Everyone seemed to be okay with that, but Admiral Konstantine's jealously of Thrawn was starting to grow a little bit, knowing that he could handle it by himself but didn't say anything! 

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