Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty: Cherishing things.../Being followed, again!

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Kanan frowned, realizing that's what happened that day... Eldra then revealed that she's realized that Ezra has learned to live and make peace with his tragic past, and building up his own happiness while cherishing the memory of his Mother and Father, knowing that they would both be proud of them!

Kanan: (Gasps)

Eldra: And that's what happened... Like it or not, Ezra has learned to live and build his own happiness while cherishing the memory of his Birth Mother and Father... She and Anakin would both be proud of him!

Kaitis smiled, knowing that Ezra really was their little miracle... He sits down beside Ezra; realizing now that it's a cruel fate that he and his Sister got to spend so much time with Anakin and Padme, and Ezra so little... But they both know that the ones they love will never truly leave them, always being found inside their heart...

Kaitis: I still remember her smile the day Ezra was brought home... When Obi-Wan placed him in her arms, for so long, we've been thinking that we would never be able to have a little Brother after the Clone War was over after we lost everything in our darkest hour... Ezra was our little miracle... Everything was so... Perfect! It's a cruel fate looking back now that we got to spend so much time with Anakin and Pamde, and you so little... But remember, the ones who love us never truly leave us... 

Both: They will always be found in here! (Chuckles)

Eldra smiled, glad that both her Brothers were able to be Family again!

Eldra: Hmm... 

Suddenly, Chopper was picking a signal!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra frowned, asking the little Droid what the problem was!

Ezra: Hmm? What is it, buddy?

Chopper pointed to the streets below, seeing that Ryder had arrived!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Eldra: Look! There he is!

Ezra frowned, figuring out what the bad news was! Ryder was being chased by two Imperial 614-AvA Speeder Bikes and an AT-DP Walker!

Ezra: And he's been spotted...

Kaitis: When does he not get spotted?

Ezra: Understatement of the Year!

Ryder stopped before he told everyone to get on!

Ryder: Hurry! Get on!

Kaitis: I'm sorry? What?!

Eldra: You know what? It doesn't matter! (Grunts)

Kaitis: Whoa 

Both: (Grunts)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: (Grunts) Get us outta here! Go, go, go, go, go!

Ezra, Kanan, Eldra, and Kaitis all jumped onto Ryder's Speeder while Chopper jets onboard with his Rocket Booster before making a break for it!

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