Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Four: A invitation?/A ship full of Ezras!

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Later, Hera chats with the freighter Captain by com, as the Captain tells her that they have been fighting the Empire in Mykapo for a while and invites them aboard, maybe they could possibly show Hera and her Crew Members some tricks!

Hera: Nice work, Iron Squadron...

???: We've been battling the Empire for a while now... Why don't you come over? We could probably show you a few tricks1

As the mysterious Captain signs off the Comlink channel, Ezra shrugs at Hera, sounds like an invitation to him!

Ezra: Sounds like an invitation...

Hera agrees, but they have to report the matter first! She turned to Kanan, asking both him and Zeb to assist with the evacuation of Mykapo!

Hera: I have to report in first... Kanan, why don't you take a team to the planet? Assist with the evacuation...

Kanan nodded as he wished Hera and the kids good luck with Iron Squadron, while Zeb was glad to not be going because it sounded like a ship full of "Ezras" to him!

Kanan: All right... Good luck with Iron Squadron!

Zeb: Yeah... Sounds like a ship full of Ezras... Let's get out of here!

Ezra rolled his eyes as the both of them left the room for the Phantom II and departed for Mykapo accompanied by Phoenix Two and Three, real mature!

Ezra: Real mature, guys... Real mature!

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