Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy-Two: New Pilots.../Truths revealed?

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Back at Chopper Base, Sabine presents both Wedge and Hobbie to the other Spectres, Minister Tua, and Commander Sato!

Sabine: Commander Sato, allow me to present Lieutenants Wedge Antilles and Hobbie... Formerly of the Galactic Empire!

Wedge smiled at the both of them, overhearing that they were looking for pilots!

Wedge: Commander, we heard you're looking for some good pilots!

Sato and Minister Tua confirm that was the case, before welcoming them both to the Rebellion!

Minister Tua: Indeed, we are...

Commander Sato: Welcome to the Rebellion...

Both of them saluted, as Sabine smiled at Ezra, glad that he trusted him to handle herself down there! As everyone else left, Zeb and Eldra watched from the shadows as Ezra, Kanan, Kaitis, and Sabine all had a chat about Kallus's future as Ezra gave Kaitis his newly repaired Lightsaber!

Ezra: I was saving this for your Birthday, but... Here!

Kaitis: "To a Young Jedi from his Proud Little Adoptive-Ezra... (Gasps) My Lightsaber! You... You kept it all this time?

Ezra: Crosshair let me hang onto it... Sabine once helped remind me who I was! I've never forgotten... I wanna return to favour after the way you helped me back on Malachor and the way you stepped up in my absence... Don't let your Legacy die as mine almost did!

Kaitis: Thanks, Ezra...

Sabine: I'm sorry...

Ezra: What for? We got away and we have the Cadets! The rest of Phoenix Squadron will use those two new Pilots to help better our chances of destroying the TIE Project on Lothal... Your mission was a success!

Sabine: But I made you doubt me....

Ezra: Me? Never... (Sighs) I still can't imagine what Kallus's going through after the way he helped you guys back there!

Sabine: Hard to feel sympathy for somebody else other than Kaitis, or Minister Tua who thought so little for people's lives!

Kanan: Yeah, but he lived his whole life chasing after one thing! Now that thing is gone and he's just... empty!

Kaitis: How do you fill that void?

Kaitis frowned as he looked at his newly repaired Lightsaber, Ezra agreed with them all, as he knew it wasn't easy what Kallus was going through, trust him on that!

Ezra: It ain't easy, trust me...

Both Eldra and Zeb watched from the shadows, wondering if the mysterious Fulcrum Agent other than Ahsoka whom they heard about today!

Zeb: You don't think that Kallus is really the new Fulcrum Agent that told us about Wedge, Ruke, and Hobbie, do you?

Eldra rolled her eyes, finding that hard to believe!

Eldra: That line never works, Garazeb Orrelios... Don't even try!

As Eldra left, Zeb was conflicted as the sun began to set over Atollon... He wanted to trust what both Sabine and Ezra were saying along with Kanan and Kaitis especially, but he was afraid that Eldra might be right...

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