Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Four: Saving Ezra!/Escape from Captain Slavin...

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Later, Chopper ventures into the command room following Hera's orders, where he discovers that Captain Slavin has positioned cannons around the hangar in order to trap the Ghost... Slavin was planning to use the exchange as an opportunity to trap the rebels! Seeing that the Captain is too busy to notice him, Chopper then pillages the armory!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Captain Slavin: I want heavy cannons positioned here and here... Launchers below, with two additional squads held back in reserve!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Later back in Ezra's cell, the young boy quickly hid his present for Hera away in his Stormtrooper belt, when Captain Slavin enters with a mirk, telling it is time for Hera to say goodbye to her Father! Meanwhile, Thrawn watches the impending exchange from the safety of his Command Cruiser, interested in observing how Cham will respond to this test!

Captain Slavin: Time for your friend to say goodbye to her Father!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: All right, Captain Syndulla, let's see how you respond...

Outside, the Ghost travels to the Syndulla residence...Captain Slavin brings out for the exchange as Sabine lands the Ghost in the hangar... As soon as the ramp is lowered, Hera, Cham and Kanan all step out of the forward ramp to facilitate the exchange...

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Steady! On my command...

Captain Slavin smirked at meeting Cham face to face, before telling him to step forward alone and surrender as promised!

Captain Slavin: Syndulla... At last, we meet face-to-face... Step forward, alone, and turn yourself over as promised!

But Cham refused, reminding the Captain to honour his own promise to release Ezra!

Cham: Not until you release him!

Kanan frowned, asking how much longer until Hera's escape plan happens!

Kanan: How much longer?

Hera knew that it would be soon, as she told Kanan to wait for her and Chopper's signal!

Hera: Soon! Wait for it...

Captain Slavin agrees, before deciding to make a simultaneous exchange as he tells Ezra to start walking!

Captain Slavin: We'll make a simultaneous exchange... Start walking!

But as the simultaneous exchange started, Chopper had just finished planting the explosives inside the house and had raced out through the door just in time to join Ezra, much to the Captain's confusion!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Captain Slavin: Droid! What are you doing?!

When Ezra meets Cham, he apologizes, but Cham tells the kid that it is all right... Even he had been captured before in the past!

Ezra: I am sorry, Cham... 

Cham: It's all right, Ezra... Even I have been captured before! 

Ezra: Nah, I'm sorry about the house... 

Seeing that Ezra had sensed her plan, Hera knew that was her cue, before ordering Chopper to trigger the explosives!

Hera: Chopper, now!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

The explosives send a fiery wave through the house that knocks the stormtroopers to the ground. From above, Thrawn watches the explosion...

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Oh, it's beautiful...

Hera and Omega quickly made their way over to both Cham and Ezra, before she freed the kid from his handcuffs! As she did, Cham realized that she was actually serious before!

Cham: What... You were serious!

Ezra: Yes! 

Omega: Talk about not underestimating your Daughter later, run now!

Cham: Right!

Furious, Captain Slavin ordered his men to stop the Rebels from fleeing aboard the Ghost!

Captain Slavin: Stop them! Stop them!

Just as Omega helped Ezra onto the Ghost, an AT-DP Walker fires a rocket at Kanan!

Omega: Watch out!

Luckily, Kanan uses the Force to deflect the rocket back at the AT-DP walker, toppling the machine! Kanan smiles before he and Ezra both wave goodbye to a humiliated Slavin! The Ghost then flies into the air where Thrawn's light cruiser is lying in wait... The gunnery officer says that the Rebels were in range... However, Thrawn replies that the rebels have gained their victory and tells the Officer to let them go! 

Gunnery Officer: They are in range, sir!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Hold your fire... They've earned their victory today!

When a wounded Slavin reports that the rebels are getting away, Thrawn counsels him not to worry... He's found this whole experience with the Rebels to be very enlightening indeed, especially with finding out that Ezra Skywalker was actually alive!

Captain Slavin(Via Comlink): Admiral, the rebels are getting away!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Not to worry, Captain... I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening!

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