Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Nine: Ambush!/Separated!

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As everyone fell through the cavern, Ahsoka, Vos, and Eldra all managed to use the Force to land safely on the ground!

Ahsoka: (Grunts)

Eldra: (Grunts)

Quinlan Vos: (Grunts)

Kanan and Ezra however, both landed on the ground roughly and were a little bit disoriented by their fall through the cavern!

Kanan: (Groans)

Ezra: (Groans)

As Kanan struggled to sit up a little bit, Quinlan asked if he was okay!

Quinlan Vos: Huh? You okay, Kanan?

Kanan shakes his head a little bit, before telling the old Jedi Master that he was fine!

Kanan: (Groans) Yeah... I'm okay! But... What about Ezra?

He turns to Ezra, who struggling to get up after his little moment of being mesmerized and falling through the surface!

Ezra: Huh?

Running quickly to his Student's side, Kanan started to help the young Jedi up before asking if he was alright!

Ezra: (Groans) Oh! My head...

Kanan: You okay, buddy?

Ezra: (Groans) Yeah... At least I think so, that was weird!

As Kanan helped Ezra stand up, Eldra looked at a nearby massive structure in the distance.

Eldra: What is that?

Ahsoka frowned, knowing that it was definitely an Ancient Sith Temple!

Ahsoka: A Sith temple!

Ezra frowned, before Chopper contacted the kid about unstable grounds and falling through the surface, causing the boy to sarcastically reply that it was a little late for that warning right now!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Oh, we might fall through the surface? Thanks for the warning, Chop!

Eldra rolled her eyes at the sarcasm in her Adoptive Brother's voice, before asking Chopper if he had any fix on that mysterious Ship yet!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Eldra: Any fix on that ship yet?

Chopper beeped, causing Kanan to say that he'd picked the trail, which is this way!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan: He's picked up the trail... This way!

As everyone starts to walk in the direction that Kanan is pointing, Ezra is finally able to walk on his own... Eldra had a strong feeling that whatever they were looking for was inside the Temple, while Ezra wanted to be careful since they were not exactly alone down here at the moment!

Eldra: I bet whatever we're looking for is inside that Temple!

Ezra: Seems likely! Just remember, if there's a ship, we're not alone down here...

As Eldra walks ahead of him, Ezra senses that they're being watched, much to Ahsoka's concern a little bit!

Ahsoka: Something wrong?

Ezra: No, I just... I thought I saw something or someone!

The both of them shrugged it off, knowing that they should probably be on guard a bit and keep moving! As they were walking, Ezra asked her what kind of knowledge that they were here to find on Malachor!

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