Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Four: Ezra's choice.../He lives?

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Back in the command center, Maul exclaims that he sees nothing but oblivion through the light of the Holocrons before he vows to go deeper!

Darth Maul: I see nothing... Only oblivion... I must go deeper... Go deeper!

But Ezra did see something while trying to make sense to Maul of what he was seeing!

Ezra: Wait... I see something!

Darth Maul: What do you see? What is it?

Ezra: I see...

Darth Maul: Tell me! Tell me what you see!

Ezra: I see...

But by the time, Hera and the others entered the room and the Captain shouted for their Youngest Crew Member!

Hera: Ezra!

But suddenly, the light from the Holocrons becomes even more brilliant, too brilliant and bright for Hera and the others to see where Ezra is, as they all shield their eyes from the blinding light!

Hera: It's too bright! Where is he?

Removing his hands away from his eyes, Kanan focused closely and saw that he could see both Ezra and Maul through the light of the Holocrons!

Kanan: Ezra... I see him! Maul's close! I'm going to get Ezra out... Be ready!

Hera was confused about how Kanan could see Ezra through all that blinding, before calling out to him!

Hera: Wait! You see him? Kanan!

Ezra was still trying to focus on what he was trying to see, when he heard his Master's Voice, telling him to look away!

Kanan: Ezra... Ezra, listen to me! Look away!

Ezra: Kanan?

But while Ezra reacted with surprise, Maul stressed with anger, telling him to stay focused and to acknowledge his desire!

Darth Maul: No! Stay focused, apprentice... Gain the knowledge you desire!

But Kanan told his apprentice to heed Bendu's warning and to turn away before it was too late!

Kanan: Remember Bendu's warning... Turn away before it's too late!

But Ezra was still tempted to keep looking, as both he and Maul saw something!

Ezra: But it's so close... The key to destroying the Sith! Just a little farther...

Darth Maul: I see him!

Ezra: Twin suns...

Blocking his eyes from the light after the kid's voice sounded almost hypnotized, Eldra, Kanan and Kaitis tried to tell Ezra it wasn't worth losing his humanity over!

Kaitis: Ezra? Please...

Eldra: It's not worth losing your humanity over!

Kanan: They're both right... It's just not worth it, Ezra! Trust me...

Trusting his Master and his Adoptive Siblings for the first time in months, he listened to the Three of them and closed his eyes, which Maul didn't like! Suddenly, the bright glow disappeared and the Holocrons separated and were completely destroyed, as everyone in the room was knocked out by a huge shockwave! After she was the first to wake up, Sabine asked where did Maul go to!

Sabine: Where's Maul?

In all the chaos that had knocked Ezra out cold, Maul had taken the opportunity to flee, laughing at the knowledge that someone he knew was alive before he departed aboard the Nightbrother!

Darth Maul: He lives... He lives!

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