Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven: Saving Ezra.../Letting them go?

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In Yarma's stormy atmosphere, Ezra was hanging onto the Falling Station for dear life, when the Ghost slowly pulled over... Hera noticed Ezra being picked up by the Scanners before Eldra told her to get as close as she could!

Hera: There's something on my scanner...

Eldra: Try to get as close as you can, Hera!

Hera: I'm on it!

As Hera lowered the Ghost as close as she could to the falling Station, Kanan gently told Ezra that he was here now!

Kanan: Ezra, I'm here...

Finally, the Ghost made it to where Ezra was, causing Hera to gasp in shock and worry!

Hera: There he is!

Kanan: I'll get him!

Kanan got up from his seat, quickly rushing to rescue his Student!

Hera nodded, as she struggled to keep the Ghost Steady... Eldra frowned, quietly Encouraging Kanan on!

Eldra: Come on, you guys... Bring it down!

Hera managed a small smirk from where she was, knowing that she would let Eldra off easy now since the old Eldra was starting to resurface! Moving as quickly as he could, Kanan reached the rear hangar bay and opened the door, before calling out to the Kid!

Kanan: Ezra, I'm right here!

Opening his eyes, Ezra saw his Master trying to reach for him with his hand! He tried to reach back and grab his Mentor's hand, but couldn't since Kanan was too far away!

Ezra: Kanan?!

Kanan: Ezra, jump! Give me your hand!

Ezra: I can't reach you! It's too far!

Hera and Eldra both watched worried about Ezra the Cockpit, telling them to hurry it up! Seeing that Ezra is afraid to jump, Kanan reminded Ezra of something...

Eldra: Come on... Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!

Kanan: When I was captured by the Grand Inquisitor back when you had just turned 15, why did you try to save me?

Ezra frowned before he explained why he disobeyed orders from Eldra to rescue him that day!

Ezra: Uh, I, uh... Because... Because you are my Master!

Kanan nods, explaining that Hera was right before he convinces his Student to let go of his fear and trust him!

Kanan: Hera was right! We have each other, or we have nothing... It's okay! I've got you! Go ahead! Let go...

Taking a deep breath and calming himself down, Ezra gently reached up to try and grab Kanan's hand! But as he was doing so, Ezra's grip slipped on the falling station, causing him to fall along with the wind!

Ezra: Aah! 

Luckily, Kanan quickly grabbed Ezra's arm and pulled him safely back inside the Ghost! As soon as the door closed and the two of them were safely on the floor, Kanan told the two girls that Ezra was okay now!

Kanan(Via Comlink): Got him!

Hera smiled as she steered the Ghost out of  Yarma's stormy atmosphere, just as The station crashed into the Stormy Depths below as the Ghost returned to the others! Back in Space, Pryce informed Thrawn about their new guests!

Agent Kallus: We have the Admiral!

Governor Pryce: Put him through!

Grand Admiral Thrawn(Via Hologram: Update me on your progress, Governor!

Governor Pryce: The situation is proceeding much as you anticipated... The rebel fleet, composed of three-star cruisers, have come to the rescue!

But Thrawn however, knew that it was a waste of time before he told Pryce to let them go!

Grand Admiral Thrawn(Via Hologram: That is not the rebel fleet... Break off your attack and allow them to escape with their meager reward!

Knowing that the new Admiral knows what he is doing, Pryce agrees before Thrawn signs off, even though Konstantine doesn't get it!

Governor Pryce: Very good, Grand Admiral...

Admiral Konstantine: We're letting them get away? I don't understand...

Governor Pryce: I know you don't, but rest assured, Thrawn has a much larger objective in mind than the capture of a single rebel cell...

Back in the Cockpit of the Ghost, Kanan helped Ezra walk in, causing Eldra to turn around to check on the exhausted young Boy!

Eldra: Is he okay?

Kanan: He's alright... I suppose that's what happens when you're unconscious for 6 Months, you forget how to walk! (Chuckles Nervously)

Eldra rolled her eyes with gentle fondness when Hera noticed that the Imperials were letting them go!

Hera: Uh, guys? Do you mind telling me what's going on and why those Imperials are just letting us go?

Eldra shook her head, knowing that was probably their cue to get out of here!

Eldra: Who cares?! Does anyone vote for getting far away from here?!

Hera smirked in agreement, before telling Commander Sato that everyone was accounted for now!

Hera: No arguemnt here! Commander Sato, everyone is accounted for!

Sato nodded, before telling Minister Tua to get them out of here!

Commander Sato: Get us out of here!

Everyone quickly made the jump to light speed, as Eldra relaxed a little...

Eldra: (Sighs) I will never be able to figure out those Imperials as long as I live! Right now, we need to regroup and figure out what's going on... Somehow, I don't think we've seen the last of these new countermeasures that Pryce has!

Hera nods at Ezra resting in Kanan's arms, she couldn't agree with Eldra right now!

Hera: I couldn't agree more, Eldra...

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