Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine: Eldra's tears.../A Midnight hug...

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Later that night on Ship, Eldra retreats to her room, feeling very sorry for herself about how she has been acting lately just as Sabine had suspected... As she gazed at her Lightsaber, she overheard Kanan and Kaitis both venting about why Ezra was unconscious for so long to both Ahsoka and Rex!

Kaitis: I have been stepping up, but... You know, AP-5, Chopper, and the Rebel Doctors told me a few days ago that the reason that Ezra wouldn't wake up is because they believe Eldra blames him for what happened to Vos, and for what almost happened to you and Kanan!

Ahsoka: Well, we don't, and neither does Kanan or Eldra...

Kaitis: Yeah? I wish that even though I know that Kanan doesn't, Eldra would tell him that! And what's worse of all is that I nearly created a monster who could've pushed my Adoptive Brother into a coma forever, just because she blames Ezra for a situation that was beyond his control! How do you think I feel? I'll probably never see either of them smile again...

Captain Rex: Ezra and Eldra's decisions to stay away and close off from everyone their own choice!

Ahsoka: Rex is right... We must let her come back in their own time!

Kanan: Yeah, but what if she or Ezra never does? 

Eldra winced, remembering Kaitis' words from earlier!

Kaitis: Master Vos is gone, Eldra... Just like all other Jedi Masters that Vader killed, just like he destroyed Anakin... And worse of all now thanks to your coldness and self-hatred, Ezra may never wake up because you blame him for everything that happened on Malachor Six Months ago! The universe dealt us a terrible hand... Your "one-in-a-million" Brother hopes you enjoy your "bigger-than-anyone-else's" problems, ALONE!

Eldra frowned before she gazed back at her Lightsaber, deeply confused and upset about what she was gonna do now!

Eldra: Oh, Master... I'm pushing everyone away from me without you here again, especially with Ezra! But can I fix it? I don't know... (Sobs) What am I gonna do?! (Cries Softly)

While Eldra cried herself to sleep, Ezra sat all alone near the sensor markers, singing about how he wants things between him and the others to get better!


Isn't truth supposed to set you free?

But why do I feel so weighed down by you?

If I could show them everything I've seen,

Open their eyes to all the lies then,

Would they change their minds like I did?

But when I speak they tell me "Sit down!"

But how can I when I've already started running?
Oh, this is where we've been, but it's not where we belong!
And I may be young, but I know I'm not wrong...

So I look up at the stars to guide me,
And throw caution to every warning sign...
If knowing what it could be is what drives me,
Then let me be the first to stand in line!

So I make this wish,
To have something more for us than this!
So I make this wish...
To have something more for us than... this!

More than this, oh no!
I never knew I needed room to grow!

Yeah, I did what I was told,

Cause someone told me "No!"
Now I got all of this freedom in my bones,
But I still got the lid on so it doesn't overflow!

Cause I've got reservations and hesitations,
On where I should even begin!
I'm past dipping my toes in, but I'm not, no,
I'm not past diving in!

If I can just be pointed in any given direction,
On where to go and what to do,
My legs are shaking but my head's held high,
The way you always taught me to!

So I look up at the stars to guide me,

And throw caution to every warning sign!
I'm sure there will be challenges that find me!
But I can take them on one at a time!

So I make this wish,
To have something more for us than this...
So I make this wish!
To have something more for us than... this!

Hey-yaaa! Hey-yaaaaaa!
More than this, oh!
So I make this wish...
To have something more for us than... this!

Just then, Kanan walked up to join him, knowing that they would find a way to defeat the Empire without the Sith Holocron!

Kanan: Want some company?

Ezra: (Sighs) I guess so...

Kanan: I used to come here all the time for the last Six Months whenever I was upset about something!

Ezra: I know that Eldra should have told you that she was using the Sith Holocron... She wanted to believe it could help us!

Kanan: Well, we don't need that thing! We'll find another way...

Ezra: What do you think Bendu did with it anyway?

Kanan placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, knowing that it was safe now!

Kanan: It's safe...

As Kanan turned to leave, Ezra began to follow him, before he thanked his Master for coming back to save him!

Ezra: Oh, one more thing!

Kanan: Yes?

Ezra: I wanted to thank you... For coming back!

Kanan smiled as he laid a gentle hand on the kid's head, reassuring his apprentice that he would always come back!

Kanan: Hey... I'll always come back!

Ezra stared at Kanan's hand for a second, before rushing into him for a hug, embracing the person who gave him a Home on the Ghost with him, Hera, and the others... While Kanan was shocked at first, he strongly but at the same time returned the hug firmly but gently at the same time...

Ezra: I know!

As the two of them reconciled in the hug, Kanan knew that Rex and Ahsoka were both right! Ezra's decision to stay away from Hera and the others until he's ready to talk about what happened on Malachor is his own choice, knowing that things will get better soon!

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