Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Six: Planning the mission.../Trust breaks!

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Later, the Ghost detaches itself from Hondo's landing craft and flies towards the Planet Wynkahthu! Hondo told the Spectres that he had encountered an Imperial cargo ship berthing in the upper atmosphere of Wynkahthu while traveling by the planet, and found that the ship was abandoned by its crew!

Hondo: The planet Wynkahthu... As I happened to pass it on my travels, I detected an Imperial freighter adrift in the upper atmosphere... Escape pods jettisoned, completely abandoned!

Ezra: Hmm... Must've flown too close!

Sabine checked the Ghost's computers and found out that the cargo ship had gotten stuck in one of Wynkahthu's atmospheric storms! The ship was slowly being pulled inside a vortex, and Hondo knew that the ship would soon be destroyed with its cargo!

Sabine: It's stuck in one of those atmospheric storms!

Hondo: It's slowly being pulled in... And its cargo will soon be lost!

Azmorigan presents the ship's manifest to the Spectres and confirms it was loaded with proton bombs!

Azmorigan: I have the manifest right here... Its hold is loaded with a large supply of proton bombs!

But when Hera asks what was in it for them, Hondo reveals that both he and Azmorigan are after precious metals on the ship including both ancient artifacts and riches untold!

Hera: So what's in it for you two?

Hondo: Well, there is also some cargo you would not be interested in! You know, there is precious metals, rare artifacts, riches untold! That sort of thing...

Eldra agrees, reminding Hondo that those treasures are probably from Worlds that were plundered by the Empire!

Eldra: All probably stolen, huh, Hondo? From the worlds, the Empire took over...

Zeb rolled his eyes at Ezra, suggesting the idea of splitting the treasure, causing Ezra to burst out laughing!

Zeb: So, we'll split the treasure?

Ezra: (Laughing) "Split the treasure..." That's a classic! (Laughing)

But Hondo bursts out laughing as he pats Ezra roughly on the shoulder, reminding him that he and his Rebel friends get to keep the bombs while both he and Azmorigan keep the treasures!

Hondo: (Laughing) No, no, no, no, no, no, my big, purple friend... You get the bombs... And we get the treasure!

Ezra frowned, telling Hondo to not ever do that again!

Ezra: Don't ever do that again!

But Sabine asked why Hondo is using them for their services like this instead of just using his very own Crew!

Sabine: So what do you need us for? Why not use your own crew?

Hondo simply replied that it is a "long, boring story" and that this job is perfect for her and Crew Members!

Hondo: Now trust me, that is a long, boring story! No, no, no, my friends, you are the guys for this job...

Kanan asked them if the Empire can't even salvage the Ship, what hope do they have! While Hondo agrees with that, they have one thing that the Empire lacks: Desperation!

Kanan: If the Empire couldn't salvage the ship, what hope do we have?

Hondo: Because we have something in our favour that the Empire does not, for we are desperate!

As much as it pains her to admit it, Hera agrees that Hondo is right! While the Empire would just abandon this Ship without a second thought, they can't afford to pass up an opportunity like this, making a deal with Hondo!

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