1. ☆ Your Lips Will Be Only Mine? ☆

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— One teasing kiss between university sports rivals, basketball captain Kim & football captain Chay, changes the entire game — 

— One teasing kiss between university sports rivals, basketball captain Kim & football captain Chay, changes the entire game — 

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"It's simple," Chay shrugs, "today the gym is ours, tomorrow you and your trashy team can have it, deal?"

"Trashy?" Kim sniggers, "who won more awards for this university in the past two years—me with my guys or you with your court of princesses?"

"Princesses? Watch your mouth, Theerapanyakul!" one of Chay's teammates shouts.

Kim just rolls his eyes, focusing on Chay.

Chay sighs, he knows that Kim is right; the basketball team has been generally better for the past two years... and WHAT? Teams have their ups and downs; it's normal. He bites the inside of his cheek and reaches his hand out towards Kim, "one more chance, Kimhan, deal or not?"

There's a somewhat mischievous smile that appears on Kim's lips, "deal, princess."

"I'm not your fucking princess!" Chay growls.

Kim smirks, "I didn't say my princess or you want to be?"

"Shut up and let me fucking go!" Chay is trying to get his hand out of Kim's strong hold but he must admit that Kim is stronger than him.

Kim shakes his head and leans closer, "we have to seal the deal first."

"What do you mean we already—" Chay can't finish his words as the lips of his biggest rival are now on his own, moving just a little. Kim's hand is suddenly on his nape and Chay is being pulled even closer and what is the most fucked up about all of this is that Chay is kissing back?!!?! It's like he can't control his own body. He is parting his lips more. He can almost feel Kim's tongue on his own when he is suddenly pulled back to reality by his teammates pulling him away from Kim, and yelling at Kim and his trashy team.

But why are they yelling? Why are they pulling him away? No! He doesn't want to! Kim tasted so good. Wait WHAT! Shaking his head Chay rapidly blinks and it finally all registers with him, Kimhan kissed him... he fucking kissed him!

Chay steps forward and pushes Kim harshly on the floor, "are you fucking nuts?"

Kim only chuckles, "I'm definitely way more stable than you are right now, princess. It wasn't your first kiss, was it?"

Chay clenches his jaw almost biting his tongue to not blow up even more than he is about to. He looks at Kim's teammates, "get your fucking captain out of here if you still want to have one tomorrow!" 

Kim stands up, takes his gym bag and winks before he leaves, "see you around, my princess."

Chay punches the punching bag that is hanging just next to him and looks at his teammates, "what are you looking at? I got you the gym so work out!"
