29. ☆ Never Believe Promises ☆

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"Sir, that's him

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"Sir, that's him. His name is Kimhan. He came here early in the morning. Seems like he is eager to learn.

Chay chuckles, "eager to learn? Look at him. That guy won't hurt a fly. How am I supposed to make a bodyguard out of him? I'll kill him before he learns anything."

"Do you want me to send him home, sir?"

Chay looks at the small almost fragile-looking frame of the guy and sighs, "no. It's fine. If he is here already then let me at least find out why. You can leave, Leo. I'll take care of our guest."

As the doors behind Leo close Chay starts walking towards Kim. "Hey you," he says almost arrogantly.

Kim lifts his head from his knee and when he sees Chay approaching his mouth gets shaped into a surprised O before he quickly stands up, "sir. Nice to meet you. Are you my trainer?"

"Your trainer," Chay chuckles, cocking his head. "Tell me, Kimhan, why are you really here?"

"To be a bodyguard for the Kittisawat family, sir," Kim immediately replies and Chay must say if he didn't know better he would even believe Kim. Too bad Chay knows better.

He swings his arm around Kim's shoulders and leans closer, "hmm, sweet, and now tell me the truth before I get mad!" Chay smirks when he feels Kim shiver. Whether from his touch or from his words doesn't matter.

"It is the truth, sir..."

"Porchay, Porchay Kittisawat. Besides being the part of the family you want to apparently work for I'm also a head of the bodyguards. So you either tell me the truth or the only thing you'll learn is how to die."

Kim visibly gulps down. He nods his head more for himself than for Chay and starts talking, "I'm telling the truth, sir—"

Chay rolls his eyes but lets Kim talk.

"My father... he is in a wheelchair and you know he requires 24-hour care. My family... we don't have enough money to make sure he gets the best care and... a couple of days ago my friend told me that this family is recruiting new bodyguards and that you are paying more than well so I thought that—"

Chay starts laughing and shaking his head, "don't go at me with a stupid sad story thinking you can fool me, Kimhan. What are you really here for? Spy on us? Steal something? Kill someone? Although I do wonder how would YOU do that?"

Kim starts fidgeting around, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt, "I swear it's true, sir. I—I can show you a picture of my father or... yes, yes... Big... Big is my friend. He was the one who told me."

Chay cocks an eyebrow, "Big, you said?"

Kim frantically nods, "yes, you can ask him."

Chay takes out his phone, "you bet I will. Smile for me, Kimmy!" Before Kim can even realize what is happening Chay snaps a picture of him and sends it to Big. "Now we'll see. So tell me, Kim... have you ever fought with someone and actually won?"