66. ☆ One More Chance for Us ☆

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— Wik and a rising star Chay meet at a charity event that secretly invites singers to perform, but each singer is revealed just the moment they step on stage

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— Wik and a rising star Chay meet at a charity event that secretly invites singers to perform, but each singer is revealed just the moment they step on stage.This is KimChay's first meeting after a year; and just two months after they started talking again via texting —

💬 good luck with your event tomorrow ❤️ I'm proud of you

Chay's phone lights up just when he is about to put it away and sleep. A little smile appears on his lips as he replies

thx, phi 🙈i'm kinda nervous🗨️

💬  that's normal, but if it'll help, i'll think of u

don't you have an event as well, phi? Focus on that!🗨️

💬okay... I'll see about that

go to sleep, phi 😤🗨️

💬g'night, little angel 👼

Chay puts the phone away and closes his eyes. His last thought is about how it will go... the day he'll meet Kim again...


"Chay, are you ready?"

Chay nods towards his manager, "I'm perfect, phi Cherry." And he isn't lying—he is perfect. The crowd is amazing, giving him so much energy, and he isn't even on the stage yet. Peaking through the curtain, he can see his own face on some posters, as if his fans knew he would be here, even though his appearance should be secret till the last second. Just the same as the appearance of another singer who is supposed to come on stage at the same time as him. 

It's a pretty fun concept—two singers will come up on stage at the same time, and if they know each other—perfect, they can easily chat for a bit and then sing each other's songs. If they don't know each other, they'll have time to get to know each other and then sing.

Chay doubts that whoever will be the other singer will know him because Chay is quite new in the industry, and the only singer who would truly know him is the one who has his own event somewhere else. And on top of that, Chay isn't even sure if he is ready to meet him.

"And now, please welcome our secret singing duo for today... the mysterious heart-stealer WIK... Chay's heart drops... Kim is here. ...and our rising start with an angelic voice, Chay!"

Chay's legs feel like jelly as he slowly forces them to move up the stairs on stage. He can feel Kim's eyes burning a hole in his face. He fears looking up and fears making eye contact because even though they got pretty comfortable texting, this is different. Chay really did miss Kim so SO much, but he is also really nervous.