28. ☆ Not Like I Used To Be ☆

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The bullet scratches Kim's arm just a moment before he is pulled behind a car and he is met with the face that has been haunting his dreams for the past five years

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The bullet scratches Kim's arm just a moment before he is pulled behind a car and he is met with the face that has been haunting his dreams for the past five years. Chay... 

"Ruin my mission and I swear to god I personally help them to kill you!" Chay's growls.   

Kim is watching with his heart in his throat as Chay pulls the safety pin out of the grenade and throws it at the men on the other side of the underground parking lot. A few seconds later a loud explosion and impact wave hits them, but Kim barely feels anything because Chay is protecting him with his own body.

Chay is so close. His scent, the warmth of his body... it's all too familiar and yet completely new. Kim feels safe, comfortable and yet his mind is screaming to be careful, to brace himself for some kind of impact as if Chay would... could ever hurt him. But that was exactly what he said just a moment ago and somehow Kim believes him.

"Shit," Chay groans, "are you okay?" He pulls away, carefully looking at the mess of cars and bodies sprawled all over the area. "Not how I was planning to end this but someone had to show up and ruin it!" He looks back at Kim, his eyes holding nothing but annoyance.

Did all the love that Chay held for Kim fade away in those five years? Now when Kim met him again he would rather put a bullet through his head than hear Chay saying that he doesn't love him anymore. He gulps down, "I didn't know you would be here, I'm sorry."

"What are you even doing here?"

"Kinn sent me here."

"No," Chay scoffs, he sent ME here!"

"If you don't believe me I can show you a text message from him."

"That fucking bastard!" Chay says and Kim almost lets his surprise show on his face. Did Chay just really call Kinn a fucking bastard as if it was nothing? Yes, for Kim that IS nothing but Chay? God, just how much has Kim's angel changed since Kim broke his heart?

For less than a second Chay's eyes soften and get covered with concern, but it is gone before Kim can notice anything. Or at least Chay hopes so. But he is wrong. Kim's heart skips a beat. He wants to say something when Chay takes the hem of his white shirt and tears it apart, showing the smooth-toned skin of his belly.

Kim is getting more and more confused but also turned on with every single thing Chay is doing since the couple of minutes of their reunion. He doesn't know how to feel about all of this but fuck he wants to kiss those plump lips right fucking now. But Chay would probably kill him if he tried so Kim decides to talk instead. "What are you doing?"

Chay grabs Kim's arm and gives it a merciless squeeze. Kim winces more from the shock than from the actual pain. "You are bleeding. That bullet scratched you more than I thought. I'll tie it for now before I'll take better care of it in my apartment."

"In your apartment?" Kim asks, not really believing his own ears.

Chay starts tying the piece of fabric around Kim's arm, his fingers surprisingly gentle, brushing over Kim's skin. He leans closer, with one swift move cutting almost all the space between them, "I knew you were back in town. I just wasn't expecting to see you so soon." Chay bites his lip, "god, I fucking hate you, Kimhan, but I hate myself even more because from the moment I knew you were back I couldn't stop thinking about finally getting to know how you taste, how would your hands feel on my naked skin, how would it sound when you would finally say you love me..."

There's a war between vulnerability and fire in Chay's eyes. Kim thinks it's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. His lips form those words like it's the easiest thing ever "I love you, Porchay. All those years and there wasn't a day when I didn't love you."

The fire in Chay's eyes wins. It burns everything into ashes and only then when the smoke and the fire calms down, Kim can see it... Love. Love for him. Still there, still so innocently beautiful. "I learned one thing through out the years, Kimhan... second chances are for the week. But... I was never the strong one around you, was I?"


Chay shakes his head and grabs Kim by his chin, "if we are going to start over this time it's on my terms. Every decision you make regarding me will be approved by me first. Do you get it, Kimhan? You try to break up with me one more time and you'll die the moment you do it. I swear you will."

Chay doesn't let Kim say anything as he crushes their lips together, taking Kim's breath away. Sliding his tongue into Kim's mouth, Chay melts into Kim's touch, his lips, Kim... this is after all what he was waiting for all those years. Chay never stopped hoping, never stopped dreaming that one day he'll have Kim back, but this time Chay is a master at the game.