62. ☆ Gorgeous ☆

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Chay knocks at Kim's door, his left foot impatiently tapping on a soft grey carpet under his feet

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Chay knocks at Kim's door, his left foot impatiently tapping on a soft grey carpet under his feet. The door opens and... it's not Kim, but Tankhun.

"ChayChayyy," Khun grins and yells, "Kimhan! Your boyfriend is here!"

"Umm, did something happen, phi?" Chay is utterly confused, "p'Kim isn't picking up his phone and we were supposed to go on a date, and—"

"I know, I know," Khun laughs in amusement. "Everything's fine, Kim just freaked out a little because he didn't know what to wear. But worry not, he had the best fashion expert in town... a.k.a ME!"

"Oh, thanks, phi."

"No problem, just please PLEASE, when you two will be passionately tearing each other's clothes off... don't tear that blouse... it's really dear to me."

Chay tries to hide his smile, he gulps down, "no tearing, phi. I promise."

"Wonderful!" Khun clapped his hands and turned to leave. "Have fun, boys!"

The moment the door closes, Chay is already on his way to the bedroom. His stomach drops and his heart skips a beat as he sees Kim looking at himself in the mirror. "Gorgeous," Chay whispers under his lips. That's how his boyfriend looks like. Simply gorgeous. The sparkling blue and the waves in which the blouse falls onto Kim's body, he looks like a prince, Chay's prince to be exact. 

Kim turns around. His eyes smile at him. "Angel," he breathes out.

Chay walks up to him, one hand slides along Kim's waist and the other holds him by his nape as Chay pushes him to the wall and slides his tongue into Kim's already waiting mouth. Chay was planning a cute little date today nothing more. But then Kim had to dress like this. How is Chay supposed to keep it together? Chay squeezes Kim's waist tighter and presses their bodies impossibly close. He hears Kim's moaning into the kiss, making his head spin. Such a sweet sound. Chay could listen to it all day. Kim's fingers are clutching Chay's (actually Kim's plain white t-shirt) as if he is holding on for dear life. Chay smiles into the kiss, leaves a bite on Kim's bottom lip and pulls away.

His voice is a little raspy when he says, "looking like this for a simple date? You really don't want me to let you out of the bed tonight, do you, phi?"

Kim licks his lips, chasing the taste of Chay's lips on his. He smiles innocently, but there is a glint of mischief in his melted chocolate eyes, "wanted look pretty for you, angel. You always look so pretty for me."

Chay tugs on the collar of Kim's blouse and nuzzles his nose into Kim's cheek, giving him a quick kiss, "you always look pretty, for me. My pretty, phi. The prettiest I have ever seen."

Kim shudders under Chay's touch and words that immediately settle in his heart, "I was freaking out a little. Didn't know what to wear. If you gonna like it."

Chay smirks, tugging on Kim's collar harder, their lips just inches apart, "I'm afraid I love it way too much." Chay lets his tongue brush over Kim's lips. "Khun asked me to not damage this blouse..." Chay kisses the corner of Kim's lips. "He is gonna be really disappointed in me."