21. ☆ Freedom Kill ☆

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— Korn will let Kim have his freedom away from the family, away from the mafia but first, he has to kill one more person for his father. One more kill to get his freedom is nothing to Kim, not until he finds out that his target is Porchay —

  One more kill to get his freedom is nothing to Kim, not until he finds out that his target is Porchay —

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"It's simple, son. Just one more mission, one more kill and you are free. What do you say?" Korn sits on his leather sofa, a glass of whiskey glistening in his hand.

Kim scoffs, adjusting the collar of his leather jacket, "I've never trusted you. I won't start now.  You say just one more mission, one more murder, but then something will happen again, something that ONLY your lethal weapon can solve or it would get in trouble the whole family. But you know what? I'm done being your weapon, father. You ruined me! You ruined everyone. You can't even imagine what I had to give up because I was too caught up in your stupid chess game. I feel disgusting! I hate myself! I despise the day I made that decision! I'm done doing you favours," Kim turns to leave his father's office. "Let me be!"

"Kimhan," Korn says calmly, taking a sip from his whiskey, "this is the last favour I'm asking of you. If I ever contact you again after this... you have my permission to kill me.

"As if I need your permission," Kim scoffs and turns back to his father. "Fine, fine, I'll do it but god help me if after that I'll see your face ever again. God fucking help me!"

Korn nods, the left corner of his lips curves into a proud half-smile, "I knew you'd do what's right, son. You have it in your blood, it'll never leave you."

Kim clenches his fist, taking a deep breath; he hates it, fucking hates it when his father is talking about him as if he was a monster and his father was proud of it. It hurts him. Kim isn't a monster, right? If he was Porchay would never fall in love with him. Porchay. There's nothing Kim misses more than Porchay.

Kim clicks his tongue and focuses back on his father, "stop wasting your breath and tell me just the information I need."

Korn nods, "it's a young boy. He is studying music in Seoul. So I guess, have a nice trip to Korea. I don't care how you kill him but I need his head after that. Do you understand?"

Kim looks at his father as if he was completely dumb, "that's all? How do you expect me to do it when you gave me almost no information? How about a name, age, a photo?"

"I can't give you that. But here," Korn slides a small piece of paper in front of Kim, "this is the exact location and time where you can meet the boy. He is there always alone. It's the perfect opportunity for you."

Kim frowns, "I don't like this."

"I don't care whether you like it or not! You want to be free... take it!"

Kim bites the inside of his cheek, snatches the paper from the table and walks out of his father's office, hopefully for the last time in his life.