74. ☆ Opposites Attract ☆

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— Kim is a sweet, gentle boy interested in arts and love instead of darkness and violence. Chay, the son of Theerapanyakul's head-house maid, is the exact opposite—cold and dangerous. But you know what they say: opposites attract —

 But you know what they say: opposites attract —

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Red roses are pretty.

Kim loves them the most. He knows it's basic to like roses, but to him they are unique. He loves their smell and the way their petals feel under his fingertips.

He is sitting on the grass in the garden, one rose lies in front of him. Its petals shining beautifully under the afternoon sun. Kim has his phone in his hands, trying to take some pretty pictures, and who knows, maybe he'll even use them later as a reference to paint something. The wind is breezing over his skin and messing up his hair. When he tugs his hair back behind his ears, the rose is no longer pretty in front of him. Its petals are torn apart, pressed into the soil by a heavy black combat boot. He looks up. Chay.

"Why did you do that?" He asks, tears already prickling his eyes. Poor rose.

Chay smiles down at him or... it's more of a smirk, Kim thinks. "Why be sad over one rose when I have a whole bunch for you, Kimmy?" Chay pulls a bouquet of rich red roses from behind his back and hands it to Kim.

Kim doesn't feel like crying anymore. So many roses and all just for him. And they are from Chay. Kim buries his nose in them and inhales their intoxicating scent. He giggles and looks at Chay, who is already sitting right next to Kim, hand casually resting on Kim's thigh.

"Thank you, phi."

Chay licks his lips and leans closer to Kim, "getting brave, hmm? Calling me phi when we are outside, little petal."

Kim feels his cheeks getting as red as the roses he still holds close to his chest, "umm... I missed you."

Chay squeezes Kim's thigh, making him squirm, "missed you too, especially today."

Something about Chay's tone makes Kim take a closer look at his face, not even a second later, he wants to hit himself for not noticing it sooner. There is a bruise in the corner of Chay's lip, fresh and painful. Kim winces, "what-what happened?"

"Some fuckers at uni were being rude so I had to show them how to behave," Chay scoffs.

Kim slowly raises his hand and brushes his thumb over the bruise, "does it hurt?"

Chay gives Kim's thumb a kitten lick and whispers, "it won't if you kiss it better."

Kim nods, his heart flutters in excitement—he loves kissing Chay. And he loves it when Chay kisses him even more. He takes his thumb away and wants to replace it with his lips when a yell startles him.

"Porchay! Leave khun Kimhan alone!"

Chay cocks his head with a lazy smirk on his lips, "nah, I don't think so, man. Kim loves my company," he leans to Kim's ear, sending pleasant shivers through Kim's body, "don't you, little petal?"