16. ☆ Ghost Time ☆

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— You died. You are a ghost, lonely and cold. There's only one person who can see you. But what if... what if you can become a human again, but the price you have to pay for it is YOU... what then? —

"Where is that boy?"

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"Where is that boy?"

"What boy?"

"The one that used to sit there, all gloomy, looking outside of the window as if he was waiting for something... someone."

"No one ever sits there, Kim. It used to be a favourite spot of the owner's  brother before he died..."


It's dark when Kim turns off the light in the café. A light breeze tickles the back of his neck. He turns around "you never told me that you are a ghost."

"Does that change anything? Will you stop looking at me?"

"On the contrary, I just became even more interested." Kim clicks his tongue and slides one arm around the ghost's waist, pressing their bodies together, "so... you are Porchay."

Chay's hands are hovering over Kim's shoulders, he is confused... very very confused. How can — "you can touch me."

Kim smirks, "I can."


"Hmm, is a little ghosty scared of a human?"

"You aren't just a human, are you?"

Kim's eyes flicker in red before they return back to black, "Kimhan a son of Hades in your service, pretty."

"H-hades? In my service?"

"For someone who can just PUFF in the air and disappear right now you seem to be too nervous. Why is that, pretty? Tell me."

"Are you here to hurt my brother?" Chay asks with a small soul.

Kim's laugh is loud and genuine, with his head thrown to the back and silky hair falling into his eyes he looks too beautiful too harmless... He looks back at Chay, his laugh morphing only into a small smile, "why would I hurt my friend?" He leans to Chay's neck, pressing his lips under Chay's chin.

"Ahh... w-what—"

"Actually, I can make your brother really happy really soon. I have a proposal. Would you like to hear it, pretty?"

"C-can you let go of me, first?" Chay mumbles.

"No!" Kim growls, "you don't like my touch?"

Chay shakes his head quickly, almost too quickly, "no no... it's just that you... you are a son of Hades!"

"You think I'll hurt you, Porchay?"  

Chay shyly nods.

Kim wraps his hand around Chay's neck and pulls him closer, "I won't hurt you, pretty... well... not until you ask me to." The hunger in Kim's eyes is burning bright, watching Chay's lips slightly parting in a gasp.

Chay gulps down, "what... what is the proposal?"

"Hmm, tell me Porchay, would you like to be alive again?"

"Alive?" Chay asks in surprise, his hands falling on Kim's chest.

"Alive," Kim nods. "I can turn back time before you were dead. You'll be alive, your brother will be happy and I... I won't ever come here. You'll never meet me."

"Why?" Chay bursts out before he can think.

"Why?" Kim cocks his eyebrow, "why what, pretty?"

"Why you won't ever come here?" 

Kim smirks, "so you want me then."

"I... umm."

Kim's eyes suddenly change, there's a burning possessive glint in them, "so now that we have figured this out, here's how the real deal goes, pretty," Kim runs his fingers over Chay's cheekbones, down to his bottom lip. He can feel Chay's shiver under his touch but not once trying to pull away. He likes it.  "I'll do as I said. I'll turn back time to the time when you were still alive and your brother was happy but..."


"In return, I want you, Porchay. You'll be mine! Your heart, your mind, your soul, your body, your life... all of you will be mine. Do you understand? MINE!"

Chay shudders at Kim's words but not because he is scared. He is everything but not scared anymore. "Uhmm, will you... will we... us I mean will we be boyfriends?"

"Boyfriends," Kim scoffs. "That's such a human conception. No, Porchay. You won't be my boyfriend. You'll be much much more. You'll be the colour of my soul. You'll be in my blood. You'll be all my dreams and hopes. I'll begin and end with you. That's what you'll be to me." Kim presses his thumb a little more on Chay's lip, bringing his own lips closer, "so, Porchay, deal?"

"Will I remember you if you turn the time back?" Chay whispers, afraid to talk any louder.

"You'll be the part of me... of course, you'll remember me, pretty." Kim's words are warm, imprinting themselves on Chay's lips.

He can be alive again. His hia can be happy again. He can have Kim.
For months Chay was glad for every glance Kim threw in his direction because that meant that he wasn't invisible to everyone. At least someone could see him. The son of Hades could.

"Deal," Chay lets those four letters slip through his lips. Their echo can't even disappear before he can feel Kim's tongue deep in his mouth and his lips being devoured by Kim's hungry ones. Sweet. Chay thinks before everything turns black.


"Chay... Chay... Chay... get up!" A pillow hits Chay's face. Chay groans and sits up, "ugh hia..."

"No hia!" Porsche says, "you are starting in the cafe today. You should have been downstairs ten minutes ago. Plus, my friend who will be starting with you is waiting too. So get your ass up and go! He is waiting."

Fifteen minutes later Chay is downstairs in their café. He has a strange feeling as if he had a really long dream and he can't shake it off.  

"So, Kimhan, this is my brother Porchay. Hope you can work well together."

Chay remembers now. Fuck, he doesn't only remember, he feels it all over him. Is this what it means to be part of Kim? Chay can't bear it... he has to be closer to Kim, closer closer...

He pulls on Porsche's hand and opens the door for him. "Hia, didn't you say that you have to run some errands today? We'll handle it here, right, Kimhan?"

Kim nods. The possessiveness, reflecting in his eyes only for Chay to see.

Porsche laughs, "you are right, I should go. Don't burn it down before I get back!"

The doors aren't even fully closed when Chay almost whimpers Kim's name, pulling him closer and opening his lips for Kim to use as he pleases.  

Kim hums, licking and biting over Chay's lips, "so eager for me, so sweet, my pretty boy. How do you like your new life, Porchay, hmm?"

"Too much talking, just kiss me, please, please, I need you to kiss me, touch me, u-use me..."

Kim runs his thumb over Chay's lips, "oh baby, you have turned out to be even needier than I was expecting. Perfect."