75. ☆ New Game ☆

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— After KinnPorsche get married, they decide to travel the world. Before leaving, Kinn gives his position as the mafia leader to someone else. Unlike everyone expects, it is not Kimhan Theerapanyakul, but his sweet little angel —

 Unlike everyone expects, it is not Kimhan Theerapanyakul, but his sweet little angel —

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"Khun Kimhan, who else?"

"What about the oldest brother?"

"No way! He is nuts—we all know that."

"And what if it's one of the cousins? Khun Vegas—"

"Are you crazy? Khun Kinn would never!"

"It's khun Kimhan. I'm telling you!"

Confused mumbling and whispering are the only things that can be heard in the Theerapanyakul conference room. Everyone was shocked to find out that Kinn Theerapanyakul is stepping down from the position of the mafia leader he got from his father years ago. So now, everyone is on the edge, expecting how it will be under the rule of the youngest from the main family. Despite Kim being the youngest of the brothers, he is also the most feared one. Not many are looking forward to working under someone as dangerously unpredictable as Kimhan Theerapanyakul. 

A shockwave hits the room the moment Kim opens the door and walks in, startling everyone around. He makes his way around the long table, but to everyone's surprise, he doesn't sit at the spot for the leader. Instead, he sits right next to it, playing with the engagement ring on his finger. Kim can feel all the eyes on him. But he doesn't confront them immediately. He lets them cook in their anticipation for a while.

Only after he thinks that the air is too thick, he looks up,  "what? What are you looking at?"

"N-nothing, khun Kimhan."

Before anyone can say anything else, the door opens again, and Porchay Kittisawat walks in. He carries himself confidently and proudly, and for some reason, there's an aura of danger around him that wasn't there before.

"So, listen up," Chay walks around the table and sits where everyone was expecting Kimhan to sit. "I have neither the time nor the patience for this to last very long."

Kim smirks and gives everyone at the table a proud look, "your new leader, idiots!"

"So, here's the deal," Chay continues. "Everyone who has never talked to me for more than five minutes, everyone who isn't my friend," Chay glances at Arm and Pol, "and everyone who thinks I'm too soft for this—stays! Everyone else, out!"

A couple of men leave immediately. Kim starts standing up as well, but Chay grabs his wrist, "phi."

Kim laughs, "just kidding, angel. Just kidding."

Everyone in the room stares. For a lot of them, it's the first time they heard Kimhan Theerapanyakul laugh.

"Now," Chay leans back in his chair, eyeing everyone up and down. "In case someone lived under the rock, "I'm Porchay Kittisawat—the new head of the Theerapayakul mafia, p'Kinn's brother-in-law, and p'Kim's fiance. I'm also other things, but that's none of your business. What's your business, however, is to make sure I won't get angry. You know, I hate when things don't go exactly how they should. So, when there's a mission or a simple task you have to do, you better do it right! And don't even try to betray this family. Remember Ken?" Chay laughs, "that one was beheaded. Surely, you don't wanna end up like him, right?"

The silence fills up the room. No one dares to say a word. Chay clicks his tongue, "I asked something!"

"No, of course, not."

"No need to worry, khun Porchay."

"We understand."

Chay nods approvingly, "perfect. I'm not planning to change the way p'Kinn ran this family... so don't make me do it! Other than that, you can go. And if you have any questions...

"Ask me," Kim breaks his silence. "Don't bother my Chay until it is completely necessary! Understood?"

"Yes, khun Kimhan."

Chay cocks his head towards the door, "so, go! I assume you have work to do, don't you?"

Thirty seconds later, the conference room is empty, and Chay is climbing on Kim's lap. 

"How was it?" Chay asks, playing with Kim's necklaces.

"Baby, I wouldn't have done it better. You were perfect as you always are!"

Chay relaxes, pecking Kim's lips, "was I hot as well?"

Kim squeezes Chay's waist, humming in agreement, "so hot. I was ready to fuck you right here!" 

"In front of everyone?" Chay laughs.

Kim pulls Chay even closer to his body, "no, baby," he squeezes Chay's ass, "this belongs only to me. Only I can see. Only I can fuck!"

"Hmm, true, true," Chay licks over Kim's neck. "So what are you waiting for?"

Later, when they walk out of the conference room—one of the newer bodyguards stands right outside the door. Chay frows, his eyes getting darker. "Were you listening?"

The bodyguard says nothing. His head ducked down.

"I asked, were you listening?" Chay raises his voice, getting the attention of a couple of other bodyguards walking around.

"N-no, I-I didn't..."

"You were listening," Chay says quietly. His hand reaches for Kim's gun, which rests behind Kim's waistband. In the next moment, blood pours out of the bodyguard's head. Chay turns to the other bodyguards, still standing there, "anyone else wants to hear me and my fiance fucking?!"