99. ☆ Coffee Tastes Better From Your Tongue ☆

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— It's the first day of Chay's internship. But he is running late and on top of that, he gets hit by a car... driven by his new boss — 

"Khun Kimhan, the students

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"Khun Kimhan, the students... for the internship are here."

Kim sighs and puts the contract for the hotel construction he is holding back on the desk, "I'll be right there... also, Clara?"

"Yes, khun Kimhan?"

"Anyone interesting enough for the personal assistant position?"

The team leader, Clara, shakes her head, a slight pity in her eyes, "I'm sorry, khun K—"

"Why am I even asking?" Kim groans and gets out of his chair. "Whatever, show me the newbies."

They walk down the spiral staircase, and through the automatic door, they enter the main hall of the Theerapanaykul Enterprise.

Four pairs of eyes are watching in awe as Kim in his black business suit and a white shirt open half into his chest stops right in front of them, eyeing everyone head to toe.

"Portfolio," Kim opens his palm and waits for Clara to press the tablet into his hands. Once she does, Kim scrolls through all the information for a moment, and then he looks up at the students again...  "One's missing."

"Uhm... I'm sorry, khun," Clara frowns...

"Where is your friend?" Kim asks the four students standing in front of him. "It says that you are supposed to be five, but as far as I can count, there are only four of you."

Blue leans to Sound and whispers, "is he nuts? Being late on the first day?"

"He said he missed the bus," Sound explains through his teeth.

"What did you say? I'm right here. Your CEO asked you something!"

"H-he said that he missed the bus, khun K-Kimhan," Sound explains quietly.

Kim cocks his eyebrow, "missed the bus? On his first day?" He clicks his tongue and looks at the four students, slowly one by one, making eye contact with all of them,  "during this internship, every one of you is supposed to gain a certain number of points. Your friend just lost ten of them. Anyway," Kim grins, "now, you may follow our team leader, Clara. She will show you around and tell you what to do."

Kim is watching the four students following after Clara, like ducklings following their mother, and as they disappear behind the corner, he turns around and stops at the reception, "going out for a while. If anyone will look for me, tell them to come tomorrow."

"Of course, khun Kimhan."

A black Ford Mustang quietly hums as Kim drives out of the parking lot, making his way around the company's building. He needs some goddamn coffee. And when he says coffee—he means COFFEE. Not that shit that his employees call coffee. He might go visit Luca—