65. ☆ Wedding Present ☆

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• Korn has been missing for weeks, and everyone seems to be bothered by it

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• Korn has been missing for weeks, and everyone seems to be bothered by it. Almost everyone •

 ~ "You know where dad is, don't you?"

Kim chuckles, playing with his wedding ring, "maybe." ~

 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Kim's steps echo through the labyrinth of underground corridors. It's pitch black here, and Kim's skin is covered in goosebumps, trying to protect itself from the freezing coldness that the walls around him are emitting. Despite being in complete darkness, Kim knows exactly where he is going. It's the same routine for a couple of weeks now, and the voice sweeter than honey and softer than a feather is enough to lead him the right way.

Chay's voice has always been one of Kim's biggest weaknesses. But it was the moment he had found that his angel's voice gets even more gentle whenever he is torturing someone, that really brought Kim to his knees. It's as if Chay is mocking his victims this way. And to Kim, there's something incredibly hot about it. And he usually lets Chay know exactly that. It ranges from intensely passionate make-out sessions to sex so good that it leaves Chay crying and begging for more, and Kim high on his love.

The only source of light that Kim has around himself right now as he is walking even deeper through the dark corridors is his lit cigarette. It appears and disappears in the air every time Kim moves his hand and brings the cigarette to his lips. He is almost there. Painful groans and soft laughs are getting louder and louder, and in the air, Kim can already smell sweat mixed with blood. There's also a fear that makes Kim especially pleased, but the best of all is the smell of amber and vanilla. It's his Chay.

"You are getting too skinny. Next time when I tell you to eat, you'll fucking eat! You can't die yet. There's no fun in torturing a corpse."

Kim chuckles, "my angel's on fire today," walking into the room. His eyes need a couple of seconds to adjust because unlike everywhere else, in this room, the light is on. It isn't too bright, just enough to illuminate what is needed, but coming from pitch-black corridors—it is still a big change.

Kim's father is chained with his hands up, and his body is hanging in the air just the tips of his bare feet are slowly brushing over the dirty concrete ground. His toes are bloody, skin here and there blueish, almost black. His torso is covered with cuts, some already in the process of healing some fresh. Blood, dripping out of them in rhythmic precision. The beard that has grown on his face is successfully covering scars made with cigarettes and knives. One of his eyes is so swollen that he can barely close it. And the dry blood around his lips is evidence of the night when Chay decided he had enough of his father's in-law constant bullshitting and cut his tongue out without blinking an eye. Kim must admit—that was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. Chay was wearing his university uniform on that day and the glasses he had on were all covered in blood after that. It was a godly sight, and Kim will remember it till the moment he dies.

Right now, his husband isn't in his uniform. Instead, he is wearing one of Kim's old white t-shirts and black cargo pants. One time, Kim mentioned how he likes the way blood looks on Chay when he wears white, and since then, Chay always wears something white when they are down here.

"Phi," the moment Kim appears, Chay ignores Korn's existence and jumps right into Kim's arms. Arms wrapped around Kim's neck, legs around his hips, Chay kisses Kim breathless as if it's been more than three hours since they saw each other. And Kim loves it. Loves the eagerness, the need, the love, that Chay shows him whenever they are together.

Kissing Chay back and slowly lowering him back to the ground, Kim whispers, "hmm missed my sweet husband."

"Missed you too," Chay kisses Kim one more time and then turns back to Korn. He isn't watching them—he learned not to do that a long time ago. "This one is pretty boring today," Chay huffs. 

Kim gets in front of his father and eyes him up and down, "should we shave his beard off? He is starting to look like a caveman."

Chay shrugs and jumps to sit on a table in the middle of the room. The table is covered with everything from knives, saws, to guns, and duck tape. The table is pretty high, so Chay can comfortably swing his legs back and forth. "I mean, if you want to, go on."

Kim grins and takes out his lighter, "this one might hurt... dad."

Kim can hear Chay hum in agreement as he lits the lighter and brings it to his father's beard. The beard catches on fire in a fraction of a second. There's an awful shrieking noise that is coming out of Korn's throat, but it dies down as quickly as it starts.  Kim is already holding a bucket full of water they always have ready right next to Korn and splashing the water in his face.

Chay winces mockingly, "ouu, this one must have burned."

Kim laughs and puts the empty bucket on his father's head before he makes his way to Chay. He steps in between Chay's open legs and starts kneading his milky thighs, "if he is so boring, then let him be today and focus on me. What do you say, angel?"

Chay licks his lips and wraps his hands around Kim's neck, "I say, kiss me."

'Kiss me' — the words that sound like music to Kim's ears. He leans in, biting Chay's bottom lips he sucks and bites on it until he feels Chay shiver in his arms. Then, he licks Chay's lips and brings one of his hands to Chay's chin, gripping it tightly, he shoves his thumb into Chay's mouth, humming when Chay starts sucking on it, eyes closed.

"Good boy," Kim whispers and exchanges his thumb for his tongue, sucking and licking all over Chay's mouth. Their lips are so tightly pressed together, it's hard to breathe and it makes Kim want to kiss Chay even more. He swallows all of Chay's pretty moans and lets Chay take over the kiss for a while.

Chay slows down their kiss and panting, he pulls away, "did I already thank you for the best wedding present ever?"

Kim smirks, "you can always thank me again, angel." Kim remembers that moment vividly when Chay asked for Korn chained to the wall as a wedding present. And who is Kim to say no to his husband?

☆ THE END ☆