78. ☆ Private Paradise ☆

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—  Kim comes down with the flu, and Chay makes it his no.1 mission to cuddle the hell out of his boyfriend! Not even nasty flu can stop him! —

1 mission to cuddle the hell out of his boyfriend! Not even nasty flu can stop him! —

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"Where is he?" Chay runs into the compound, dropping his bag right in the hall.

"In his room."

Chay runs past his hia, barely glancing at him.

Porsche laughs, "slow down. He is not dying!"

"Says the one who called an ambulance when p'Kinn cut his finger."

"Hey!" Porche yells after Chay, "it was a deep cut, okay?!"


Chay carefully opens the door to Kim's room, just in case his boyfriend is sleeping. Slowly, he makes his way to the bed and lays down, facing Kim. "Phi?" Chay whispers.

"Baby," Kim hums and slowly opens his eyes. They are glistening with sickness, slightly red. Chay pouts and gently caresses Kim's hair, "bad, bad flu! I'm gonna have to fight it! It's gonna be a nasty fight, I fear."

Kim huffs a weak laugh, "I'm team Chay all the way."

"How do you feel, love?" Chay asks, concerned. "Do you need anything? Water? Tea? Something to eat? What about your fever?"

"Fever fucking sucks!" Kim groans. "I haven't been this sick since... since mom was still alive."

Chay smiles sadly and leans in, kissing Kim's forehead, "I love you. It's gonna be okay. One flu is nothing for my strong p'Kim."

Kim hums and hides his head under the covers, "you have to sleep in your room tonight, baby."

"Excuse me?" Chay gasps. "Not happening! Not even if you kick me out!"

"You gonna get sick," Kim mumbles, barely audible from under the covers.

"It didn't seem to concern you when you stayed with me a couple of months ago when I had flu as well," Chay argues, already shoving his hands and legs under the covers to cuddle his Kim.

"That's di—"

"Don't say that's different, love! It is not! It is exactly the same, just the other way around. So stop being a big stubborn baby and let me cuddle my boyfriend!" Chay hears Kim mumble under his breath, something about how he is not a stubborn baby, but then the covers rise up, and Kim looks at Chay with a grumpy expression, "okay, but no kisses!"

Chay laughs, "your loss," and scoots as close as possible to Kim, wrapping himself around him like a koala.

Kim is watching Chay so intensely that it makes Chay feel like the one with a fever instead. He giggles, "what?"

"I don't want to get you sick. I hate the idea that you would feel bad because of me."

"Love," Chay presses a kiss on Kim's shoulder, "I'll be fine. Even if I catch the flu from you—it's okay. I just want you to feel as comfortable as possible now. If you don't want me here, I can just leave—"

"No!" Kim pulls Chay as close as possible to himself and nuzzles his face into Chay's neck. "I'm better with you. Don't go. Please."

"I won't, phi," Chay starts humming a soothing melody, his hand slowly caressing Kim's back.

Kim feels hot. The high fever is making him feel like he is burning in hell, but he won't refuse Chay's arms. Never. Even though it's even hotter with Chay wrapped around him, Kim also feels so much better than he felt before he had Chay right next to him. Chay works better than any medicine ever did for Kim. Kim just always feels magically better with Chay by his side. With Chay, everything is peaceful. With Chay, things aren't so bad, and days aren't so bleak.

"Phi?" Kim hums, he doesn't really feel like talking much, he doesn't feel like talking at all. And he can—he can allow himself that with Chay. Chay understands him with or without words. "Once you feel good again, wanna go on a date? I was thinking bowling and karaoke?"

Kim raises his head and nods, kissing the corner of Chay's lips. Chay grins, "hmm, weren't you the one saying no kisses?"

Kim rolls his eyes and presses his lips to Chay's again. Now he has something specific to be looking forward to once he is fit again. Kim loves dates with Chay. He loves them so much. Doesn't matter how simple or extravagant they are. He loves to watch the happiness spread all over Chay's face, seeing how Chay's eyes sparkle with excitement, and his smile is so beautiful it makes Kim kiss Chay and never stop. He just loves seeing Chay happy more than anything. His sweet baby, his better part, his reason to be a better person. His love. His miracle. His private paradise.