38. ☆ Cuddles ☆

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"Hi, p'Arm, is p'Kim inside?" Chay asks

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"Hi, p'Arm, is p'Kim inside?" Chay asks.

"Khun Porchay, yes he is but he is in the middle of a meeting."

Chay shrugs, "that's fine by me."

"Khun Porchay, you can't go inside now."

"No?" Chay twists the doorknob, "watch me!" He opens the door and walks in. "Uhmm, good morning everyone," Chay greets. 

There's Kim who immediately stops listening to whatever Kinn talks about, there's also Tankhun and Porsche who greet Chay with a smile but unlike Kim, they return back to paying Kinn attention. And then there's a bunch of older men who Chay doesn't know and he doesn't even want to.

Kim opens his arms and waits for Chay to sit on his lap. When Chay does, Kim wraps his arms protectively around Chay's waist and turns them around in a way that only Chay's back is facing others.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Kim asks a little worried.

Chay quickly shakes his head, "nothing, don't worry, I just wanted some cuddles because when I woke up you weren't in bed."

Kim relaxes, he leans in and sniff-kisses Chay's cheek. "Sorry, love, but the meeting started really early."

Chay wraps his arms around Kim's neck, "I still want cuddles."

Kim chuckles, "I'm all yours, my love."

Chay happily sighs and leans into Kim's lips, giving him a slow lingering kiss. "Is it okay if you are not paying attention to the meeting?"

Kim smirks, "wanna know a secret, sweetheart?"

Chay eagerly nods.

Kim leans into Chay's ear and whispers, "this meeting is fucking boring fest."

Chay giggles, hiding his face in Kim's neck, "and what if it's important, phi?"

"Not more important than you," Kim kisses the crown of Chay's head and tips Chay's chin up to kiss his lips again. Chay melts into the kiss, his fingers slowly combing through Kim's soft hair.

"Ehmm ehmm," Kinn clears his throat, "what do you think, Kim? What should we do?"

Kim breaks the kiss just to say, "kill them all," before he returns to his love.