5. ☆ Gasoline ☆

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— Porchay is dead. Porchay is dead. Porchay is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. And Kim is too...just not physically not yet...but once he kills them all then he will go too —

Kim has no idea how is it possible for his heart to still beat

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Kim has no idea how is it possible for his heart to still beat.

How come it still pumping blood through his veins, forcing him to be fucking alive?! He doesn't want to be. Not anymore. His only reason to live is now nothing but ashes buried under the burned skeleton of what used to be Kittisawat's house before it fucking burned to ashes with Chay, his angel, his everything inside.

It's Kim's fault. It's all Kim's fucking fault! He wasn't there with his angel. If he was, if he came home from that stupid mission that now means completely nothing, never really did, Chay would be with him, and he would be safe... alive. It's too late to think about ifs and woulds, it doesn't matter anymore. Nothing really does.

Kim knows that his father is at fault here. It was his father's plan. It all makes sense now. That's why he sent him on that stupid mission that didn't make any sense, that's why he told Chay to go see how's the reconstruction of the house going. So Chay could be alone. So he could be an easy target. Kim's father burned Kim's life to ashes, it's time for Kim to return the favour.

Kim walks quietly like a predator into a house on the outskirts of Bangkok. It's the house where all Korn's loyal men are staying, always ready to do every dirty work for that godforsaken man. No one knows about that place besides Korn, Kim and... Chay. Kim found out months ago. And now he is glad he did.

In the hall, he kills the first man, snapping his neck and letting him fall on the floor. Two more men he kills a couple of moments later, as they just walked in. Taking a knife from one of them, Kim slides it through the man's neck and stabs the other man in his guts until he feels the knife slipping out of his hand because of all that blood. He throws the knife into the chest of another man who is coming to see the commotion. When the man falls and blood pours out of his mouth, Kim takes the knife out of the man's Chest and moves to other rooms searching for more.

He is quiet. Not once he says a word. There's only one thing on his mind; he has to kill them all. Stepping into an office, Kim stops... there are three more men one of them is his father.

Kim doesn't think for a second. He throws himself at the man closer to him and grabs him by his neck. Kim holds him as a human shield while he shoots the other guy with his gun. Korn does nothing, he is watching everything with a calm almost satisfied expression that is making Kim sick to his stomach. Kim tightness his grip around the man's neck, waiting patiently for the man to let out his last breath and when he does Kim lets him fall on the floor, his eyes never leaving his father.

Korn suddenly stands up and starts clapping while walking towards Kim, "bravo, son! Incredible, you are getting better and—" His words are cut off when Kim shoots both of his legs, sending him down like a paper aeroplane.