8. ☆ Talking Back ☆

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— Kim is a grumpy CEO and as we all know every grumpy CEO should have a sunshine secretary/partner... well that's what Chay is here for —

"Good morning! Raise and shine, khun Kim!" Chay waltzs into Kim's office with a bright smile he is known for in the company and puts a freshly brewed coffee in front of him and next to it the morning papers

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"Good morning! Raise and shine, khun Kim!" Chay waltzs into Kim's office with a bright smile he is known for in the company and puts a freshly brewed coffee in front of him and next to it the morning papers. "Here's your coffee and today's papers even though I have no idea why you still need a physical copy when you can read them on the internet."

Kim looks at Chay with a straight face, "because I like it that way, Porchay. And rise and shine is something you say to someone who is just waking up not to someone who's been working since five."

"You see, khun Kim, I would tell you that in our bed but you were the one insisting on starting working at an ungodly hour today, so I'm telling you now," Chay smiles, swaying up and down on his tippy toes.

Kim frowns, "this is a workspace—no such thing as 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙚𝙙 exists here!"

"Oh come on! It's your company; you can do whatever you want. Don't be so grumpy, smile for your boyfriend," Chay flashes his smile again.

"I have to work, Porchay. You can go," Kim says, looking at his laptop.

Chay shrugs, still with his big smile he tippy toes to Kim's desk, "Kimmy?"

Kim's head immediately snaps towards Chay. It's the nickname, Kim never can resist and Chay knows that very well. The moment Kim raises his head to Chay, a kiss lands on his lips and Chay runs out of the office, giggling.

Minutes later, the phone in Chay's office rings. Chay picks it up, "yes, kun Kim?"

"Why is that coffee so sweet? You know I hate it!"

Chay can imagine Kim's grumpy face as if he was right in front of him, he smiles, "you need something sweet in your life besides me. Drink it, khun Kim, you gonna feel good."

"I don't need to feel good, I need to work."

"Well, how's that stopping you, khun Kim, hmm?"

"My office, now!" Kim orders and the line goes quiet.

Chay knocks on the door and walks in, "khun, Kim."

Kim looks up at Chay from some documents and pats his knee, "come here."

"Oh, khun Kim, but this a workplace, it's inappropriate," Chay says with a serious face, his eyes hazed with shock.

"Come here, Chay!" Kim repeats. With the faintest smile.

Chay gets to Kim and sits on his lap. "What do you need, khun Kim?"

Kim raises the cup of overly sweet coffee and puts it to Chay's lips, "drink!"

Chay pushes it away a little, "but that was for you," his lips curve downwards, eyes not as bright anymore. He really just hoped for Kim to get something sweet into his system. It's needed sometimes.

Kim looks at Chay, his eyes softening, "thank you, baby, really but you know that I'm not a sweet tooth kinda person. I won't drink it all. Let's drink it together; one sip you one me, okay?"

Chay's lips curve upwards, eyes brightening up again, "okay." He takes the cup from Kim's hand and takes a sip before he puts it back on the table and looks down at the documents Kim has been reading. "What's this?"

"Our income from the last couple of months," Kim frowns, "I can't find the report for May."

"I told you we should put it all in the database but your old soul said no. So here you have it, if it was in the database you would have it immediately," Chay, rolls his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, Porchay!"

"You know I'm right," Chay rolls his eyes again.

"You are going to eye roll into another dimension," Kim murmurs.

"Don't be so grumpy," Chay murmurs back.

"I'm not grumpy."

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"


"Khun Kim!"

Kim sighs, rubbing his temples, "okay, fine, just help me find the report from May."

Chay clicks his tongue, fishing out his phone from his pocket, "you know, I'm smart. Frankly, you are lucky to have me as your secretary."

"I'm lucky to have you as my boyfriend."

Chay cocks his eyebrow, "are we not grumpy anymore?"

"𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐲!"

"Sure sure," Chay chuckles, "anyway, as I said, you are lucky you have me because I," he opens the gallery on his phone, "have it all in my phone. Soooo May is... here, look," he shows the photo to Kim.

Kim takes the phone and writes everything important down. "Thanks."

"Thanks? No 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥; 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐬?"

"You should go order lunch for me," Kim says instead, looking back into all the documents in front of him.

Chay laughs, finishing the cup of coffee, "eating here again? Let's go for a lunch instead."

"I have to work."

"Let's have a lunch outside, Kimmy, please."

"Don't use your power over me, Porchay!" Kim groans.

"I'm not doing anything," Chay looks at Kim, there's this innocent expression on his face as if he has no idea how much power he holds. Kim is grumpy, that's true but only at work, outside of the work Kim is the complete opposite. It's almost unbelievable how his personality changes. Chay knows that the moment they get out of the work he gets his sweetest, softest, most amazing boyfriend back but sometimes (or like most of the time) he likes to push that button at work. It's fun. He knows that Kim won't get mad at him and even when he is grumpy Chay knows that Kim won't say anything that would hurt him. And on top of it all Chay knows that Kim secretly likes Chay being like that, so everything is okay.

Kim sighs, "you want to go have lunch so much, baby?"

Very, very much, khun Kim," Chay nods.
