79. ☆ Passion Secret ☆

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— At first, Chay wasn't a big fan of having to hide his relationship with Kim, until he discovered that a secret relationship can have its perks. Such as sneaking around the mansion just to have hot make-out sessions with his hot boyfriend —

 Such as sneaking around the mansion just to have hot make-out sessions with his hot boyfriend —

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"Yes, beautiful," Kim nods, his eyes are full of apologies. He doesn't want to fuck up everything just when they freshly got back together. He doesn't want to fuck up things ever! So why does he already feel like that's exactly what he is doing right now? If he could he would shout out from every rooftop how much he fucking loves Chay and how Chay is his and only his! But he can't. And there's only one reason for it. Korn Theerapanyakul.

"I'm so sorry, angel," Kim presses a lingering kiss on Chay's forehead. "I don't want to risk anything. That's the only reason. I promise. I promise on my love for you, that's the only reason."

Chay nods. He sits down on Kim's sofa and looks up at him. "I believe you. I just... can you explain further? Your father—does he want me dead or?"

Kim sighs and sits next to Chay, "angel... my relationship with my father is complicated. More complicated than I can explain. It's not that he wants you dead. And I swear to you if it was, I would take you on the first flight out of this fucking country and no one would ever hear about us again. But it's not that," Kim presses his lips into a thin line and shakes his head. "He needs me to stay focused. He needs me to stay always alert. To not get distracted by emotions. To be a cold-blooded murderer whenever he needs me."

"Phi!" Chay gasps. He knows that Kim killed people. But that doesn't mean that Chay likes when Kim talks about himself like that. Kim isn't a cold-blooded murderer. His Kim isn't a monster!

"Angel," Kim caresses Chay's hair, "you know I killed people."

"Doesn't mean you can talk about yourself like that!"

Kim smiles softly, "okay, angel. I try not to."

"So we have to stay a secret because of your father. For how long?"

Kim takes a deep breath, "until I'm sure than he can't take you away from me in any way. Maybe until he dies."

For the first time ever, Chay genuinely hopes for someone to die.

— a month later —

The first couple of days, maybe the first two weeks were hell! Chay just wanted to hold his boyfriend's hand anywhere they went. He wanted to pepper Kim's face with kisses whenever he got the urge no matter where they were. He got tired of referring to Kim as a "friend" after he did it the first three times. But then one day, Kim grabbed his wrist and pulled him into one of the empty rooms in the compound and proceeded to give him the best blowjob in history. Things were completely different from then on...

Chay is impatiently walking around. It's his brother's birthday party, and he is enjoying it... don't get him wrong! But Kim said he'll be somewhere around so they can sneak around and kiss until their lips hurt and their breath runs out. Sounds way more interesting than watching his brother getting drunk with Tankhun and attempting something that vaguely resembles dancing. But where is his boyfriend? Where is he?


"Oh," Chay smiles, "p'Kinn, thank you for giving hia so many presents, but... don't you think it's a little too much?" Chay glances at the mountain of presents in the corner of the room.

Kinn chuckles, "not at all, nong. Not at all."

"Well, I counted them and there's exactly one hundred. All of them from you!"

"That's not all of them. Some haven't arrived yet," Kinn laughs at Chay's surprised face and leaves before Chay can say anything else.

"Well damn," Chay grabs a glass of champagne with cherry thrown in it as a decoration and leaves the party. If Kim won't come to him then Chay will come to Kim. He just needs to find him.

Walking around the compound when most of the people are gathered in one room is quite peaceful. It's quiet. Too quiet. Enough for Chay to hear steps fastly approaching from behind. Chay isn't scared. He can recognize the sound of Kim's walk everywhere.

"Hey, beautiful," Kim whispers in Chay's ear and takes his hand. This time they go to Kim's old room. They can be sure that no one will find them there. Kim locks the door and turns to Chay, eyes falling on the champagne glass in Chay's hand. "Drinking?"

"Just this one. Want some?" Chay hands Kim the glass.

Kim takes a sip and puts the glass away, he grabs Chay's waist and presses their lips together. The champagne pours out of his mouth right into Chay's, some of it dripping down their chins and necks.

Chay giggles, "messy."

Kim pushes him down to bed, spreading Chay's milky thighs apart, "won't mind getting messy with you, baby."

"Yeah?" Chay bites his bottom lip. "Come here."

But Kim doesn't. Not yet, instead, he reaches to the bedside table for the champagne and only then he gets back to Chay. "Open up," Kim orders and Chay immediately does. With a mouth full of sparkling champagne, Chay welcomes Kim's lips again. Their bodies are wrapped in each other as they deepen their make-out session.

Chay hums, feeling Kim pulling up his shirt and sliding his hands down to caress Chay's tummy and waist.

"You feel so good under me, Chay. Fuck, I'm so in love with you," Kim groans, kissing Chay's neck.

"I feel good on top of you as well," Chay giggles.

"Hmm, fair point," Kim mumbles, his fingers playing with Chay's belt.

"Uhm wait!" Chay stops Kim, pressing a kiss on Kim's jawline, "not today. I have to get back in a couple of minutes. Tomorrow—I'll come to your place."

Kim nods, and smirks, "well, I won't say no to such an offer."

Chay laughs, slapping Kim's chest, "horny much!"

"You love me," Kim winks.

"I do," Chay nods, pulling Kim back to his lips, "very very much."


"Chay's gone again?" Porsche whispers to Kinn.

Kinn nods, sipping on champagne, "saw Kim coming in twenty minutes ago."

"They still don't know we know," Porsche laughs.

"As long as dad doesn't know it's all fine."