69. ☆ Dance Your Feelings To Me ☆

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Kim feels Chay's hands on his shoulders, and then they slide down, leaving goosebumps on his arms

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Kim feels Chay's hands on his shoulders, and then they slide down, leaving goosebumps on his arms. Chay's fingers curl around his wrist, and then he is slowly pulled up from his chair. That's okay. He can work on this song later. Chay smiles at him. Kim loves him.

"Let's dance, phi."

"Dance?" Kim gulps down, feeling Chay's fingers brush over the back of his neck. 

Chay steps a little closer, humming in response, "relax, phi. It's just a dance."

"It's hard to relax next to you, angel. You make me feel things."

Chay nuzzles his nose into Kim's cheek, swaying their bodies slowly from side to side, "what things? Tell me, phi."

Kim lets his body follow Chay's moves. Lets Chay move him however he wants to. Loving the way Chay's hands around him feel like home. With his hands around Chay's waist and head buried in Chay's neck, he whispers, "love—you are making me feel so much love, it's overwhelming."

Chay hums, spinning Kim around and swaying them side to side, "what else do I make you feel?" 

 "Fear," Kim breathes out.

He is glad that Chay doesn't stop moving their bodies in the rhythm of nothing but their beating hearts. Instead, Chay just kisses his neck and whispers, "you have me, always, phi. You don't have to be afraid. I'm staying with you. There's no turning back."

Kim feels like crying. Chay knows him so well. He understands exactly why Kim feels fear around him, and it makes Kim's head spin. He closes his eyes, melting into Chay's arms. If Chay decided to just let go, Kim would crumble down to the floor as if there weren't any muscles and bones in his body.

He takes a deep breath, "you make me feel safe and comfortable and lightheaded and happy, so goddamn happy, and jealous, so goddamn jealous, and you make me feel needed and wanted, and important, and confident, and everything. There's so much, I—I can't say it all..." And Kim finds himself talking more than he thought he would, but that's the effect Chay has on him... before he kept all the feelings buried so deep inside of him that even when he tried to pull them out, all that came out was a skeleton that hurt the boy he loves the most in ways Kim never intended to. But now, after being loved by the same boy for years, now Kim can talk, oh he can... he is willing to open himself up, let his guts bleed out of him so there's nothing hidden anymore. And his angel gets to hear all those words he deserved to hear from the moment they met for the first time.

He doesn't know how long he keeps talking until he feels Chay's lips on his. And their bodies are barely moving. Chay kisses him slowly, taking the dancing from their bodies to their lips. Hand cupping Kim's cheek, Chay pulls away, "you are the best decision I have ever made, phi Kim. Never forget that. I loved you yesterday. I love you today. And I will love you tomorrow."

"Will you tell me this every day?" Kim asks.

Chay laughs and nods, "every day, phi. But now, let's dance for real... we have to practice for hia and p'Kinn's wedding."

Kim groans, "you see, if it was our wedding, I would be more motivated to practice."

Chay cocks his eyebrow and runs his hand teasingly up and down Kim's torso, "so being body to body with me isn't motivation enough, hmm?"

Kim's eyes get darker, his hold around Chay's waist gets stronger, "I think that practice makes perfect so we should practice a lot, preferably all day... and night."

Chay just giggles, "you are ridiculous."

But they do end up dancing for as long as Kim wants them to.