84. ☆ Gravity of Attraction ☆

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— Chay gets stood up on his blind date. Kim's girlfriend breaks up with him. Both happen in the same restaurant at the same time, just one table apart. But the gravity of attraction is strong, and the night is still young —

 But the gravity of attraction is strong, and the night is still young —

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Chay knew this would happen! It always happens to him. His luck in dating is literally the worst! His last boyfriend literally cheated on him with Chay's ex. And now he is sitting in this high-end restaurant alone for longer than an hour already, pretending that he doesn't see waiters looking at him with pity. More than an hour of sitting here and no text, no call, nothing. He got stood up. Wonderful! He sighs. It would be better if he just left already. Why is he even still sitting here? He grabs his phone from the table, ready to stand up when the commotion starts.

"You don't like me! Why would you buy me Prada when I clearly said I want Gucci? Gucci Gucci Gucci! Don't you know the difference? You are so stupid! I'm leaving. You can buy Prada to someone else!"

Chay, like everyone else in the restaurant, turns to the table, the commotion came from. The woman who was yelling is already gone, but there's a man wearing an expression on his face that doesn't look like an expression of someone who just got dumped at all. The man looks relaxed, and when their eyes meet, he winks. Quickly, Chay turns back to his table. He was supposed to leave already anyway.

But as he is trying to stand up for the second time, the man who just winked at him seconds ago is standing in front of him, wine glass in hand, he nods as a greeting and asks, "can I?"

And Chay, because he doesn't know any better and his blind date stood him up anyway, nods.

A pleased smile appears on the man's lips, and he sits down. "Saw you alone when I got here, and you are still alone now. What happened? Got stood up?"

Chay blinks, surprised, "don't you think this is kind of rude thing to ask someone you don't know?"

The man cocks his head to the right, his fingers playing with the stem of the glass, "what if I want to get to know you?"

"Didn't you just get dumped yourself?" Chay huffs.

"I did. So you're single. I'm single. Why don't just be single together tonight?"

Chay rolls his eyes, "wow, you clearly liked your ex if you are moving on so quickly."

"I didn't like her," the man chuckles.

Cold-hearted bastard! Chay thinks. And it most likely somehow appeared on his face because the man waves his hand dismissively in between them and says, "no, it's not like that! Let me explain."

Chay makes himself more comfortable in the chair and cocks his eyebrow, "aren't you at least gonna buy me something to drink before you start?"