86. ☆ Dance The Night Away ☆

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— Chay is WIK's lead backup dancer on his first world tour. For one song, there's a special choreography for which WIK chose Chay to dance with him. Whose better to choose if not (secretly) his favourite dancer, right? —

 Whose better to choose if not (secretly) his favourite dancer, right? —

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"Dude, WIK keeps staring at your ass!"

Chay plops down on the floor, catching his breath. It's been an insane couple of hours of learning new choreography for two more songs that WIK added to his setlist after fans' continuous demand. Chay is secretly glad—he loves those songs. 

Right now, as he grabs a bottle of water and opens it, he throws Andy a questioning look, "what are you up to today, hmm?"

"I'm serious, man! Completely serious!"

"Andy," Chay sighs, "what are we?" 

"Backup dancers," Andy replies in a "duh" tone.

"Exactly! You know what that means? That means that we are dancing BEHIND WIK. So, unless he has a magical pair of eyes that flies somewhere behind us... then no—he is not staring at my ass."

Andy clicks his tongue, "well, you seem to be forgetting that WIK isn't always dancing with us. A lot of times, he is just watching."

"Yeah, to make sure that everything is going smoothly."

"Everything, including your ass," Andy chuckles and quickly rolls away when Chay wants to slap his thigh. 

"Okay, everybody, end of break!" Luke, the choreographer, yells and claps. "There's one more thing we need to go over, but this one is quite demanding—it's a personal, maybe better word is an intimate dance between WIK and one of you. This one is the choreo for "Under the Sky," as the last song of the concert, so it needs to be perfect! WIK will decide who—"

"Porchay," WIK's voice interrupts Luke's instructions, and everyone's head immediately turns to Chay.

"Ohh, look at them, already getting intimate," Andy whispers teasingly as Chay gulps down, throws Andy the "I'll kill you" stare, stands up, and walks to the front, stopping right in front of WIK.

Luke puts a hand on Chay's shoulder and positiones him a little closer to WIK. With the other hand, Luke takes WIK's right hand and puts it on Chay's neck.

Well, this isn't how Chay had imagined to find out how would WIK's hands feel around his neck... not like he has ever imagined it, ehmm...  He can feel WIK's hand trembling a little on his skin. Good to know he isn't the only one nervous.

"This is the starting position. After the penultimate song, the lights will go off, and you two will get into this position. You have thirty seconds for this. As I said, this dance is very intimate, and it requires both of you to trust each other and feel comfortable doing it. We won't practice it today. I'll just show you the steps, and after you two alone go over it and talk about everything, we can start practising. In case there is something you would want to change, we'll change it. Both of you—okay with that?"