41. ☆ Spy Boys ☆

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"This is so exciting!" Chay squeals, harshly slapping Kim's thigh.

Kim chuckles, "we'll see if you'll think the same after a couple of hours stuck in this car, baby."

"Angel... I'm here with you, of course, I'll think the same," Chay winks.

It's barely 4 in the morning when Chay wakes up due to the lack of the familiar weight of Kim's body pressed onto him. Over time after they got back together Chay basically built an inner Kim radar. He just always knows whenever Kim is close or on the contrary when he isn't but he really should be.

"Phi?" Stretching his body like a cat, Chay squints his eyes, he is trying to find his boyfriend in the dark. The door of the bathroom opens, letting in a stripe of light, illuminating their bedroom. 

 Kim is standing in front of Chay, toothbrush in his mouth. "Goof mofing, baby."

Chay cocks his head and slowly crawls out of bed, following Kim into the bathroom. "Why so early, angel?" Chay asks, back-hugging Kim and looking at them in the mirror. Kim finishes brushing his teeth and turns around in Chay's arms, placing his hands on Chay's hips, "do you still want to get involved with the family business, baby?"

Chay perks up, carefully nodding, "of course..."

"Then you have 20 minutes to get ready. We have some spying to do," Kim says, his lips curving into a smile, watching as Chay almost starts jumping up and down from the excitement.

"So, this is everything we know about the youngest son of the Novak family. Name Alex Novak, age 31. His family came from Serbia 3 months ago and they are already stirring up shit here," Kim puts documents in Chay's lap as they get into their Jeep.

"Is he a mafia, too?" Chay asks, flipping through all the documents.

Kim nods, "yeah, his father is like a big boss when it comes to the European mafia or something. The point is, that they should have stayed where they were. They have no rights around here." 

"Hmm," Chay hums, "but why are we spying on him and not his father then?"

Kim smirks, "it's simple, baby. We have to strike where it hurts the most and for the Novak family it's this guy." 

Chay bites into his bottom lip, looking down at the documents when he asks, "is that why I'm always the main target of our enemies? Because I'm the point where it hurts the most?"

Kim gently cups Chay's chin, making him look up, "you are that, baby. But that's not bad. To me, you are the most important person in my life. The whole world can blow up and I won't care as long as you are safely in my arms. You should wear it proudly—the fact that you are so important, and not have this sad expression. You know I'm always here to protect you. No one is ever going to hurt you, baby."

Chay smiles, "that was sweet, angel... but I was just asking. No need to be so dramatic."

Kim shakes his head in disbelief, "well... sorry for working on my communication skills, I guess."

Chay giggles, grabbing the collar of Kim's jacket and capturing his lips. Kim takes Chay's face into his palms and deepens the kiss, running his tongue over Chay's lips asking for entrance. Chay doesn't wait a second allowing Kim to shove his tongue inside and dominate the kiss just like he loves it. Kim is sucking on Chay's tongue, one of his hands sliding down Chay's body, stopping just above his pretty ass. Chay gasps into the kiss, his hand teasingly playing with one of Kim's necklaces.

Kim groans, slowly pulling away, "we have a job to do, baby."

Chay pouts but then his pout changes into a huge smile, "my first mafia job! This is so exciting," he squeals, harshly slapping Kim's thigh.

Kim chuckles, "we'll see if you'll think the same after a couple of hours stuck in this car, baby."

"Angel... I'm here with you, of course, I'll think the same," Chay winks.

Kim will never get over Chay calling him an angel. It happened randomly one afternoon when they were cuddling on the sofa, a random episode of Friends, playing in the background. Chay was trying to reach for his phone which was closer to Kim so he said, "angel, can you pass me the phone?"

Kim is never going to admit that but he blushed extra hard when he heard it and Chay couldn't let it go since.

Kim puts his hand on Chay's thigh and starts stroking it lightly, "no funny business, baby; we have to be focused on that guy."

Outside, a couple of meters in front of them, under the hot morning sun, Alex Novak just walked out of his apartment and sat in his red Ferrari. "He is definitely not trying to be subtle," Chay cocks his eyebrow watching as the car starts moving.

Kim starts the engine of their Jeep too. "He is the type to show off. He also has this neon green Lamborghini, so, I guess this is still pretty subtle of him."

"Oh," Chay nods, "okay."

They parked in front of a 5-star hotel in the centre of Bangkok about 4 hours ago, the sun was already high up in the sky and Chay was as hungry as a wolf. His face lights up as he sees Kim jogging back to their car.

"Here you go, pizza for my baby," Kim puts the pizza box into Chay's lap.

"Thank you, angel," Chay leans and leaves a short sweet kiss on Kim's lips.

"Anything happened while I was gone?" Kim asks his hand back at its rightful place on Chay's thigh.

Chay shakes his head and takes the first bite of the Pepperoni pizza, "nothing at all. Do we even know who is he there with?"

Kim steals the bite from the pizza too and laughs when Chay slaps his shoulder. "That's MY pizza!"

"It's OUR pizza, baby... anyway, apparently he is there with the wife of some important politician."

"Okayyy, but why meet with her during the day? Like, aren't these kinds of things done during the night?"

Kim shrugs, "maybe it's better for her. She can say that she is going shopping with her friends or some shit."

Chay throws himself on the bed, "this was fun, but I'm tired and we didn't even find out anything."

Kim lowers above him, kissing his neck, "we did, baby. We have found out how long their meeting lasts. Now we have to do it a couple of more times to see if it's a pattern or if they are changing it around and then we can move to stage two of our plan."

"Which is?" Chay mumbles, melting under Kim's touch and his hot lips slowly dancing on his neck.

"Killing the wife," Kim whispers and crashes their lips together, taking Chay's breath away. 

Chay moans, his hands travelling under Kim's shirt, dancing over his toned abs. "I want to do the killing, angel... can I?" Chay breathes out.

"Oh, baby... blood is gonna look great on you."

☆ THE END ☆