58. ☆ Darling ☆

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"So," Kim smirks as he approaches Chay and his friend, sitting at a bus stop

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"So," Kim smirks as he approaches Chay and his friend, sitting at a bus stop. "Ready to go on a date, darling?"

Chay pokes his inner cheek with his tongue and stands up, "just because you won that stupid bet doesn't mean that you get to call me darling!"

Kim chuckles, "doesn't it? I thought that's exactly what the bet was about. If I win, you'll me date for a week so that I'll have a chance to show you that I mean it seriously with you. Which means I'm your boyfriend now and I have a right to call you DARLING."

"The only right you have is to SHUT UP!" Chay groans, grabbing his backpack from the hands of his friend who was watching the entirety of their exchange with a red face from trying not to laugh. "So, date?" Chay cocks his eyebrow, "let's go then."

"Before you go," Chay's friend starts speaking before Kim can turn around and walk after Chay, "the reason why Chay is like that is not because he doesn't like you... but because of your reputation... Casanova."

"Casanova..." Kim repeats, his eyebrows furrowed. 

Chay is waiting in front of Kim's car, tapping his fingers impatiently on the hood, "where the heck are you so long? Going on a date with my friend instead, huh?"

Kim opens the door for Chay and lets him in. The sun is almost down now. The night is falling. When Kim starts the engine, he glances back at Chay, "I think there's something we need to talk about."

Chay perks up, "you have realised how stupid this bet is, and I'm free?"

Kim shakes his head, driving his car smoothly around the town, "no, actually, I think that you don't want to be free from me at all."

Chay scoffs, "I sure as hell have no desire to be just another name on your long list of bodies, Kimhan!"

Kim parks his car in front of the Theerapanyakul mansion and turns to Chay, "the only list of bodies I have is the list of people I killed... not a list of people I fucked or dated."

Chay gulps down, looking out at the mansion and then back at Kim, "is that supposed to make me less nervous about all of this?"

Kim tilts his head, "so you are nervous."

Chay huffs a nervous laugh, "of course, I am fucking nervous, Kimhan!" Chay sucks in his bottom lips and plays with his sweater paws for a moment, "you know... as much as I really REALLY like you... you are a player. I don't even care that you are a mafia prince as much as I care that you wouldn't last a week without cheating on me. I don't want that. I deserve better than that!"

Kim feels a frustration boiling inside of him. At first, he wasn't sure, but now he is glad that he brought Chay home to show him the shooting range. Kim really feels like he needs to shoot something right now, even if it is just a stupid target in their basement. He runs his hand through his hair and puts his hand on Chay's knee. Chay doesn't flinch. A good sign. 

"Porchay, can I know... who told you I'm like this?"

Chay looks at Kim in disbelief, he wants to laugh, "Kimhan... do you think I'm blind? The number of girls and boys from our school you took to your car is astronomical! What are you doing with them, group therapy or something?"

Kim bursts out laughing. And he can't stop. And Chay thinks that Kim has completely lost his mind and then Kim finally catches his breath. "Is that all? That's the only reason why you keep pushing me away for so long, Chay?"

Chay nods, confused.

"Chay," Kim is still smiling. "The reason why many times there are boys and girls getting into my car is because I'm driving them here." He points at the mansion. "Their parents work here, and I'm living here. Do you know how many people work for my father? And how many of them have kids? And how many of those kids are around the same age as us? I have never touched any of them." Kim slides his hand a little higher from Chay's knee, fingers carefully touching Chay's hand. Chay holds Kim's hand.

"You... aren't lying?"

Kim shakes his head, "no, I'm not. But if you don't believe me, you can ask inside. Everyone will tell you that I don't really like other people... well, I didn't... until you showed up at the school."

Chay feels his cheeks heating up. He looks away to not having to look at Kim's eyes when he asks, "so... what's the date about?"


Chay is trying his best to calm his breath and heart which feels as if it is about to jump out of his ribcage any second.

Kim is standing right behind him, body pressed unnecessarily close to Chay. His strong hands wrapped around Chay's as he slowly whispers to Chay how to use a gun properly. "You have to take a deep breath," Kim puts his hand on Chay's stomach, "all the way from your tummy... that's it, darling."

His lips are ghosting over Chay's ear, sending shivers down Chay's spine. Focus, Chay, focus!

 "When you think you have the right aim... you can slowly pull the trigger."

Chay's body moves a little into Kim's arms as the sound of a gunshot resounds through the basement. The bullet hits the upper right corner of the target.

"For the first timer not bad at all, darling. At least you hit the target. Some guys who came here wanting to work for us didn't even do that."

Chay turns in Kim's arms, wrapping his hands around Kim's neck, "my brother will kill me if he finds out about this."

Kim slowly walks Chay to the wall, wrapping his hands around Chay's waist, "he doesn't have to know." 

Chay laughs, "I knew that mafia boyfriend would be a bad influence."

"Mafia... but loyal," Kim whispers and captures Chay's lips with his own.

Chay whimpers, parting his lips more to feel Kim's tongue in his mouth. Body melting into Kim's touch. Kim brings one of Chay's legs around his waist and presses himself even closer, swallowing moan after moan from Chay's sweet lips.

The door flies open. Kim groans into Chay's shoulder and pulls away.


Vegas chuckles, "would you look at that? My virgin cousin got himself a boy. I'm sure uncle Korn will be delighted!"