83. ☆ Lucky ☆

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— After a bomb exploded near Kim on one of his missions, Kim ended up in a wheelchair. Doctors are giving him a 70% chance of full recovery. To achieve that, Kim has to work with his physiotherapist every day. But is there a physiotherapist that can handle him? —

 But is there a physiotherapist that can handle him? —

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It still rings in Kim's ears.

The explosion. The terrified shouts of his brother, Kinn, running after him. The deadly sound of sirens coming for him. The wailing cries of his brother Tankhun. The frantic murmurs of doctors trying to figure out what's the best treatment for him. And then complete silence. Even that still rings in his ears.

"Your brother has been pretty lucky, khun Kinn."

Lucky? Kim wants to spit out. He feels sick to his stomach. This is what you call lucky? He can't fucking walk! He can't move his motherfucking legs. He is useless! Good for nothing now! Garbage! Yeah, that's how lucky he is. So many doctors around him and not one decent enough to make him fucking walk again! Fucking idiots!

"The explosion was strong enough that it could tear off his limb or even kill him,  but thankfully, that didn't happen."

Thankfully... Kim isn't sure he agrees. It would be better if he was dead. What can he do now? He was one of the main reasons why the mafia ran so smoothly. He was their leader on every mission they went to. And now what?  Is he supposed to sit on his ass and become a mastermind? Order everyone around instead of showing them how it's done? If they would even want an opinion of someone like him.  That's not him. That's his father. Kim can't do that. He has to be in action. He always was.

"There's a 70% chance of the full recovery. That's an amazing number. But in order to accomplish that, khun Kimhan, you will have to train with your physiotherapist diligently every day. You have to take it seriously. That's the only way we'll be able to see you walking  again."

"I don't have a physiotherapist," that's the only thing Kim says. Yeah, 70% chance. Fucking lie to me!


"I said not now! Are you fucking deaf or something? Get the fuck out of my face, now!"

"B-but, khun Kim—"

"Now! And don't come back!"

When one of the most respected physiotherapists in the country runs away with tears in her eyes, Kinn walks in.  "Don't you think that's enough, Kimhan?! That's third this week alone!"

"They are all fucking useless!" Kim scoffs. Sitting in his wheelchair, he is looking out of the window.

"They want to help you, nong."

"Help me?" Kim scoffs. "How? By forcing me to do shit I don't want to?"

"You have to train to strengthen your muscles enough to move."