4. ☆ Chanson Triste ☆

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— There's only one thing Kim loves more than the sound of a piano...the sound of Chay's moans when he fucks him on that piano —

Chay hitches his breath, his fingers frantically searching all over the flat surface of the piano to hold onto something, anything; anything that can ground him a little while his legs are trembling with pleasure as Kim fucks his little hole with ...

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Chay hitches his breath, his fingers frantically searching all over the flat surface of the piano to hold onto something, anything; anything that can ground him a little while his legs are trembling with pleasure as Kim fucks his little hole with his hot tongue. 

But it's to no avail, there's nothing Chay can hold onto, nothing to distract him from Kim Kim Kim. It's not like he wants to be distracted, god, no! Never from Kim, but fuck it's already too much. Chay can feel the urgent warmth already in the pit of his stomach. He is going to come soon but he doesn't want to. Not yet, he wants to have Kim's tongue inside of him for longer, preferably forever.

"P'K-kim," Chay monas.

 "Stay still, baby boy!" Kim slaps Chay's ass cheek and fucks his tongue back inside of Chay's greedy hole.

"I'm... gonna come," Chay cries out, arching his back, "phi phi please..."

Kim hums, "it's okay baby boy, you can come. Let's see how many times you'll come for your teacher today, hmm." Kim spreads Chay's ass cheeks even wider and shoves his tongue even deeper.

"Uhmm, fuck..." Chay bites his bottom lip, the warmth in his stomach exploding all over his body. He throws his head back as the first orgasm of the day hits him hard. His cum squirts all over the keys and down on a leather piano bench he was kneeling on.

He rests his forehead on the hot surface of the piano, trying to calm his breathing.

Kim stands up, pressing his hard length on Chay's ass. He leans over, kissing Chay's naked shoulder and his neck, sucking there a new set of purple and blue hickeys that Chay can proudly carry with himself everywhere he goes. Kim tangles one of his hands into Chay's hair and tugs on it, "how do you want it, baby boy? Should I fuck you like this bend over for me so pretty with your ass up or should I let you ride me, hmm?"

Chay moans, he presses his ass on Kim's throbbing cock and licks his lips at the new wave of sensation that erupts through both of their bodies. "Both," he says, "I want both."

As soon as Chay's words leave his lips, Kim slams his cock deep and hard into him. Groaning, Kim buries his head into Chay's neck, "so fucking greedy, aren't you?" Kim is fucking Chay hard and deep, burying himself balls deep into that delicious and welcoming hole.

"Shit..K-kimaaah so good so good," Chay mumbles, eyes barely open.

"You would take all the options I would give you, wouldn't you, baby? That's how needy you are for my cock, huh?" Kim tugs onto Chay's hair, forcing Chay to look at him, "fucking answer when I'm talking to you!"

"Y-yes," Chay nods, "yes... I want your cock, fuck, I want it all the time, phi. You make me feel so good."

Kim forces his thumb into Chay's mouth and then replaces it with his tongue. He fucks Chay in a fast and steady rhythm, his tongue dominating Chay's sweet one as it always does. Fuck, Kim loves how responsive and willing to give everything of himself Chay is. So sweet, so tender, so delicate and delicious, his perfect baby boy. Chay lets out a squeal into Kim's mouth as Kim suddenly pulls him off the piano and slams him hard down on his cock. Sitting down on the piano bench, Kim thrusts his hips delicately slow into Chay's needy hole, "making you feel so good? Show me how good I'm making you feel baby boy, come for me again!"

Chay moans and whimpers, throwing his head back to rest on Kim's shoulder, his eyes fluttering shut and open again. "Phi... I—"

"What do you want, baby, hmmm? Tell me, tell your teacher," Kim whispers into Chay's ear, his voice deep and hazed with lust.

"T-touch me, please, p'Kim... touch me," Chay begs, his own hand reaching for his red and throbbing cock that was neglected for so long.

But Kim slaps his hand away, "not yet, baby boy. I wanna see you come only from my cock." Kim licks over Chay's neck, sending a shudder down Chay's spine, "one time from my tongue, second time from my cock," Kim thrust up especially hard and deep, hitting Chay's sweet spot effortlessly. Kim has it engraved in his muscle memory, he would hit it even asleep, and that sound his baby boy makes after that... fucking heaven! "And third time—"

"Third time?" Chay mumbles. 

"Uhmm, third time, baby, third time from my hand and my cock. You can take it, baby boy, can't you?" Chay opens his eyes, turning his head to look at Kim, "yes... I- can, for you I can."

Kim smirks, and wraps his hand around Chay's neck, "good boy," he shoves his tongue back into Chay's mouth and speeds up his thrusting again.

Fuck, Chay loves how big Kim is, how he can feel every inch of Kim's cock sliding in and out of him. It's so deliciously filthy it makes his groin hot and his cock twitch. The next second he is coming again, his body is shaking and Kim's name is the only word his mind and his lips can form over and over again like a mantra.

Kim kisses Chay's shoulder, letting him come down from the highs of his second orgasm. Fuck, Kim is on the edge but he'll wait a little more. He wants to come with Chay, as his baby boy reaches his third and last orgasm for now. "Such a good boy for me," Kim whispers. He takes Chay's hands and puts them on the piano keys, Chay's cum is still visible on some of them.

"P'Kim," Chay whimpers confused.

"We are supposed to have a piano lesson, aren't we? Show me what you've learned so far, baby boy. How about Tchaikovsky, hmm? Chanson Triste... play it, baby!" Kim wraps his hand around Chay's cock and starts stroking it slowly.

"I... phi... it's ahh so hard to focus," Chay moans.

"You can do it, baby. It's one of your favourites, come on... do it for me, baby boy."

Chay nods, feeling Kim's cock deep inside and Kim's hand stroking him painfully slow, he is on the edge of insanity but he starts playing... anything for his phi.

As the piano piece comes to its end so do the lovers hit their orgasm together. Kim kisses Chay's neck and shoulder, "I love you, baby."

"Hmm, love you."

"You are staying over tonight, right?"

Chay giggles "my mom's birthday, remember?"

Kim frowns, "shit, that's today... but you are coming with me after dinner, right?"

"Hmm," Chay smiles, "depends... are you going to fuck me again?"

"You bet I am, baby."