34. ☆ Fairy of Mine ☆

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"Quit staring

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"Quit staring. He is gonna notice you!"

"And what do you think I'm waiting for?"

"You know that once the Fairy King finds you interesting you can't escape him. Ever!"

"I know," Chay replies, pressing on a hickey hidden on his inner thigh... "I know that very well."

Walking around the campus in the middle of the night, especially when you are one of the few humans who are attending the university, isn't the safest way to spend the night. Chay wasn't planning to be out that late either but then Macau had a girlfriend emergency that took longer than Chay was expecting.

It's almost 1 am, and the full moon is shining brightly... wait! The full moon!

Chay looks around, speeding in his tracks. "No werewolves tonight, please and thank you!" He groans.

"Ohoo what did I hear the little human say? You wanted to see a werewolf tonight? How sweet of you."

Chay rolls his eyes, "Jason, how not nice to see you here."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Porchay, you should be nice to me tonight. You don't want me to get angry, do you?"

Chay cocks his head, "should I remind you that if you hurt a human you'll get kicked out of the school?"

Jason smirks, grabs Chay's wrist, pulls him closer and sniffs his hair, "sweet... maybe I should show you how much I don't care."

Chay starts to fight back, "Jason, one more chance, fucking let me go!"

"Ohh, one more chance? And what is a human like you going to do?"

"Haven't you heard him?" The deep cold voice cuts through the night like an arrow through the air.

Jason freezes, his hands falling from Chay, his eyes glued somewhere into the dark. "I-I'm sorry, your royal highness. I didn't know that this human belongs to you."

"Belong WHAT?" Chay mumbles, turning around. For a moment he can't see anyone but then... "perfect, wonderful, this is just amazing! First a werewolf and now the Fairy King!"

Kim walks past Chay towards Jason, "you seem to don't know a lot of things."

"I'm really sorry, I—I'll never touch him again!—"

Kim chuckles, the branches of the nearest trees suddenly getting longer, creeping around Jason's neck. "You are right, you are never going to touch him because you are never going to touch anything!"

"Holy shit!" Chay gasps. His mind is running a marathon. The Fairy King just saved him. The Fairy King just killed Jason for him. The Fairy King... the Fairy King is interested in Porchay. Why does that feel more exciting than scary?

After Jason's body falls to the ground, Kim turns to Chay, "are you okay, pretty flower?"

Chay gulps down, nodding, "I... yeah... thank you."

"Come with me," Kim cups Chay's cheeks, leaning closer.

"With you? Where?" Chay can barely finish his question before he feels the softness of bedsheets under him and the weight of Kim's body on him.

"Is this comfortable?" Kim combs his fingers through Chay's hair, looking down at him intently.

Chay slightly nods, his cheeks flushed red. "B-but why me? You could have chosen anyone."

"You captivate me, Porchay. You are like a pretty flower amongst the ashes. Fairies love flowers." 

Chay giggles, "fairies love flowers?"

"Uhm, very much," Kim slides his hand down Chay's stomach, hooking his fingers around the waistband of Chay's pants. "I want to mark every inch of your pretty body, Porchay. I want my lips to remember the taste of your skin even when we are apart. Do you understand, my little flower?"

Chay feels his body heating up, the blood in his veins feels almost like lava, too hot to contain. "I want that too," he replies, surprising them both when he is the one who kisses Kim first.

Kim's lips feel perfect all over Chay's body, his skin is burning, it's too sensitive. Every kiss, every bite feels better than the one before. Kim looks beautiful like this, sucking a hickey on Chay's inner thigh as if he was always supposed to be here at this moment, making Chay feel like he is the king of the world.

"Kim," Chay moans, fingers tugging on Kim's messy hair.

Kim goes back up, chasing Chay's lips again, "so pretty like this, my pretty little flower. Tomorrow, come to the university ball. Get it?"

"Y-yeah," Chay mumbles into Kim's lips, "anything... anything you want."

Kim hums, "good boy."

"Chay, I'm serious," Macau says nervously, "what if he catches you staring? I don't want to lose my best friend to a monster like him!"

"Kim is not a monster, just wait and see, Mac."

"WHAT?" Macau shouts.

Just then Kim finally looks at Chay from the other side of the room and stands up.

Chay's heart starts racing, getting all giddy inside he stands up too, smiling as Kim approaches him.

"I missed you, pretty flower," Kim pulls Chay into a deep kiss and slides his arm around Chay's waist.

"Why were you ignoring me almost the entire ball?" Chay pouts.

"You were so pretty, watching me the entire time. It was sweet," Kim pecks Chay's neck.

"Okay, what the fuck?" Macau waves his hands in front of them.

Kim grips Chay's waist tighter, the lights in the dance hall start flickering and flowers start glowing red. Kim nods, "now when I have everyone's attention, listen carefully because I'm going to say it only once! Porchay belongs to the Fairy King! If I ever find out that someone touched him, looked at him in the wrong way or made fun of him for being human everyone in this school will find out what it really means to have the Fairy King on your wrong side. Everyone understands?"

Chay never heard silence so loud in his entire life. Everyone's faces look ashen as one by one, they all nod and slowly get back to what they were doing before.

"You are safe from now on, Porchay," Kim gently says, kissing Chay's temple.

"I've been safe since you saved me last night," Chay whispers, caressing Kim's cheek.

"And I think I just went crazy!" Macau gasps.