42. ☆ Sweet Dreams From Hell ☆

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— Everyone has their demon. The demon has always the same personality as the human... almost always. Chay is the sweet youngest son of a priest, but his demon is nothing like him. The only sweet thing about his demon is the name-Sunshine — 

Sunshine jumped down from a rooftop, tongue playing with a strawberry lollipop in his mouth

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Sunshine jumped down from a rooftop, tongue playing with a strawberry lollipop in his mouth. With a maniacal smirk, he approached his human and basically pinned him to the university brick wall.

People around watched as Chay accepted the lollipop from his demon's mouth and then laughed at something the demon said, his bright genuine smile scarring most of the people watching. They never understood how could someone as pure and sweet as Porchay Kittisawat, the youngest son of the local priest, be so comfortable and even in love with a demon like Sunshine. All of the Kittisawat family's demons were the kindest and gentlest demons people have ever met. Most of the people came to the conclusion that the reason why the entire family had such kind demons was that it was the family of a priest, but then there was Porchay Kittisawat, the youngest of the family, with his demon that wasn't kind, gentle, sweet or anything else that would come even close to such description.

Sunshine or Kim, the name Chay gave him once he could speak, was loud, egoistical, insane and coldblooded. People in town remembered when Porchay was born and then his mother came home from the hospital with baby Porchay in her arms and the baby demon flying right next to her. For the first couple of years as Porchay and Sunshine were growing up no one had expected that Sunshine would become the menace of the town. And then they became teenagers and Sunshine started showing his true self.  And Porchay, the innocent sweet Porchay fell in love.

Not many people dated their demon. But Porchay did. At first, his father thought that it would be better for Chay to not have any demon at all rather than live with a demon like Sunshine, he even attempted the exorcism... well at least he wanted to but Kim beat him to it and spilt all his plans to Chay. So instead of "saving" his youngest son from the crazy demon, the priest had no youngest son for the whole two weeks. When Chay finally returned home no one ever again tried to take his Sunshine away from him.

"Those clowns are watching again," Sunshine sniggered, taking Chay's cross earring in between his lips and nibbling on it.

"They are people, Kim, and they don't particularly like you for various reasons," Chay laughed and waved at a small group of his fellow students, watching them with subtle curiosity. Suddenly one of the students moved towards their direction.

Sunshine growled into Chay's ear and turned around. Stepping in front of Chay like a shield, he crossed his hands on his chest, shifting his weight on one leg, cocking his eyebrow, "anything we need, young human?"

"I want to ask Chay to go with us to the Arcade Club."

"No," Sunshine playfully shrugged.

"I'm asking Chay," the student said a little louder.