97. ☆ Intoxicated Love ☆

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— When Kim's brothers bring him home to Chay, Chay meets a new side of Kim. Turns out that all you need is a little bit of alcohol, and usually cold and intimidating Kimhan Theerapanyakul turns into a clingy lovesick puppy — 

 Turns out that all you need is a little bit of alcohol, and usually cold and intimidating Kimhan Theerapanyakul turns into a clingy lovesick puppy — 

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Chay checks his phone for the fiftieth time tonight. He can't help it. It's like a habit. The natural reaction of his body when Kim isn't with him. Whenever they are apart for some reason, they always text and call. But tonight... nothing.

Well, Chay knows why. Kim went out with his brothers to celebrate their father's death anniversary. Weird for normal people, but having "the pleasure" to know Korn Theerapanyakul before his death, Chay understands more than well why his sons decided to celebrate the anniversary of his death every year.

They were finally free after he died. The entire family was.  So, Kim is out... but Chay is waiting. It's two in the morning. There's no way Chay will go to sleep without Kim tucked close to him.

He isn't worried about Kim. Chay knows that as long as Kim is with his brothers, he is safe... well, unless Kinn is blackout drunk... hopefully, he isn't.  But still, it just doesn't feel right to go to bed without Kim. Or at least without knowing where he is.

Chay grabs his phone, ready to at least call Kim and ask him how they are doing, when the apartment doorbell rings, taking all Chay's attention. He stands up from the sofa faster than the speed of light and runs up towards the door. On the monitor next to the door, he can see Tankhun's bright smile, which is suspiciously mischievous tonight... and in the corner, he spots Kinn with...

Chay opens the door, "you got him drunk?!"

"Hey there, my favourite nong," Tankhun, sing-songs. He pulls Kim out of Kinn's arms and shoves him into Chay's arms instead. "Here... this one's yours."

"Bambiiiii," Kim whines. He immediately wraps his arms extremely tightly around Chay's waist, head resting on Chay's shoulder as he looks up at him. "Bambiiii... my Bambiiii... you're sooooo tall.... hehehe tall Bambi... taaaall..."

Chay glares at the older Theerapanyakuls, "how the fuck this happened?"

"We were messing with him," Kinn chuckles. Seeing Chay's anger rising, he quickly points at Tankhun and adds, "it was his idea."

Tankhun proudly smirks, "we told him that if he won't drink, we'll tell you that he doesn't love you. And he took it..." Tankhun laughs, "...he took it personally!"

"Bambi," Chay feels Kim tugging on his dangling silver earring with a star on the bottom, "marry meee!"

Chay takes a deep breath, "well, thanks for bringing him home. Next time, no messing around, especially when it comes to me. You know that's a sensitive topic."

The two brothers for a moment look like all the alcohol evaporated from their bodies, and they are sober again. They nod at the same time, and then Kinn speaks, "we are sorry, nong. It wasn't the best idea. Please don't say anything to Porsche..."