37. ☆ When You Call Me Angel ☆

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The keys click in the door and a moment later the sound of Kim's combat boots resounds through the apartment

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The keys click in the door and a moment later the sound of Kim's combat boots resounds through the apartment.

"Baby?" Kim calls out.

"Kitchen," Chay shouts.

Kim walks into the kitchen, reaching for the face of his husband to steal a kiss or two but Chay stops him, "take a shower first!" He frowns looking down at Kim's hands covered in blood, "see? That's how you end up when you forget the gloves." Chay cocks his head towards the pair of black leather gloves laying abandoned on the kitchen table. 

Kim chuckles, "you were too distracting in the morning, baby. No wonder I forgot something."

Chay rolls his eyes and turns back to his cooking, "not my problem that you are too easily distracted." Kim steps closer to Chay, their bodies almost touching, "kiss me."


"One kiss, baby. I'm really tired. I need to recharge," Kim's voice is low and pleading.

Chay turns back to Kim, "how many people did you kill today?"

"Only one but it was extra bloody."

Chay sniggers, "yeah, I can see that."

"One kiss, baby please," Kim leans closer, smirking when Chay doesn't pull away again.

"Keep those bloody hands to yourself, understand?!" Chay says firmly.

"Your wish is my command, khun Theerapanyakul," Kim whispers and seals their lips together. Chay lets Kim nibble on his bottom lip, sucking on that one spot in the corner of his lips that drives him crazy, before slightly parting his lips and letting Kim inside for a short couple of seconds and then he resolutely pulls away.

Kim groans, searching for Chay's lips again.

"Uhmm no! Shower first."

Kim steps away, ducking his head he murmurs to himself as he walks out of the kitchen, "my husband is torturing me, so cruel."

Chay laughs, stirring the ramyeon on the stove, it should be done soon.

When Kim gets freshly out of the shower, free of dry blood and in clean comfy clothes, Chay is already pouring the ramyeon into two bowls. Kim sneaks behind him and wraps his arms around Chay's tiny waist, "showered."

"Hmm good boy," Chay hums.

Kim kisses the sensitive skin just behind Chay's ear, "what are we having, baby?"

"Ramyeon, too lazy to cook something else today," Chay shrugs.

"Hmm," Kim nuzzles his nose into Chay's neck, "wanna have some ramyeon with me, baby?"

Chay laughs, slapping Kim's hand, "stooop!"

Kim cocks his eyebrow, "well, well, well... how does my sweet innocent husband know the meaning of those words, huh?"

Chay turns around in Kim's arms, "I'm your husband, angel. I haven't been innocent for a while."

Kim wraps one of his hands around Chay's neck and kisses the corner of his lips, "I love when you call me angel, something I'm definitely not, yet it sounds so right from your lips."

Chay hooks his fingers under the waistband of Kim's sweatpants, "what else sounds right from my lips, angel?"

Kim presses himself entirely on Chay, squeezing his neck a little more, his thumb heavy on Chay's Adam's apple, "when you moan my name, baby... Moan for me!"

Chay looks right into Kim's eyes. The fire in Chay's eyes is telling Kim enough to know that tonight will be fun. Chay slowly runs his tongue over his lip, "make me!"