87. ☆ Donut Makes Me Happay, You Make Me Horny ☆

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"By chance," Chay leans closer to Big, "you don't have those earplugs you were talking about yesterday?"

They are standing right under the front of the stage, and, as always, the music itself is not as loud as screaming, or Chay would go as far as calling it dying pterodactyl noises of WIK's fans in the crowd. Like geez, man, tune it down. We all get it here—WIK IS HOT! Chay especially gets it! But seriously, calm down!

Big chuckles, "nope. Gotta order them first."

Chay groans, "they'd be pretty useful right now."

"Tell me about it! I can barely hear you now."

The tunes of WIK's rock ballad—"Promised Too Late" just died down,  giving Chay a clue to slowly get to the other side of the stage, check on Kim, and then go wait behind the stage to wait for the concert to end. There are only 3 songs left.

"Look, that's Porchay!"

"Omg, look at him!"

"Don't know who I want more—WIK or his personal bodyguard."

"You think he'll notice us?"

'It's pretty hard not to, when you are yelling so much' Chay thinks, rolling his eyes.

"Porchay! Porchay, come here, please."

"Porchay, my bed is empty tonight!"

Chay sighs. He has to go around them anyway. Patting Big on the shoulder, he moves forward and approaches screaming fans. "Hey, girls," Chay puts on his bright smile, "tell me something. Are any of you WIK?"

The girls look at him utterly confused and shake their heads—no.  "Well then, don't call for me again." Just as Chay says that, his name comes from the stage.

"Chay, on stage, now!" Chay knows that voice—that's Kim. Jealous Kim. 

Chay winks at the girls, "sorry, girls. WIK is calling."

He turns to the stage and, with one hand, effortlessly pulls himself up, landing with ease on the stage right in front of Kim. "Khun WIK," Chay greets.

"Were you flirting with my fans, Chay?" Kim asks into the microphone, making the audience laugh and scream. WIK's fans know Chay well. He has become really popular the moment the first pics of him protecting WIK from the wild crowd hit the social media. It was his first day at the job. Since then, the fans learned that WIK and his personal bodyguard are really close. Some think it's more than friendship, and some just love to see WIKChay together because it's always so much fun. So, Chay being called up on the stage and having a casual conversation with WIK is nothing out of the ordinary. The fans know it's for fun.

However, Kim's question right now is not. And Chay knows that. One thing about their beloved WIK is that he is very possessive. A little kitten with his claws out, protecting his favourite toy. But Chay is smart. He knows exactly how to play it out so that Kim will be pleased.

He shakes his head and puts his hand on his chest, "me? Flirting with your fans? No, never! We all know that my job here is to flirt with you."

The audience screams even more and their laugh gets louder when WIK doesn't say anything more and instead goes to sing his next song.

The moment the concert ends, Chay helps Kim get down from the stage and hands him an open water bottle, and opens for himself one as well.  When they get to Kim's dressing room, Kim's black tank top immediately ends up on the floor, and Kim plops down on the sofa. Tired, he throws his head back and closes his eyes.

Chay locks the door and grabs a donut from a coffee table. 

"What were you talking with them about?" Kim suddenly asks.

"Nothing, babe," Chay shrugs. "They couldn't get the attention of the most handsome man at the concert, so they tried their luck with the second most handsome instead."

"With Big?" Kim asks, glancing at Chay with only one eye open.

Chay grabs a pillow from the corner of the sofa and throws it at Kim, "hey!"

Kim chuckles and opens his arms, "come here. I need my bodyguard to protect me from tiredness."

"Time to recharge?" Chay asks, straddling Kim's lap.

"Exactly," Kim grins and takes a quick bite from Chay's donut. 

"Yummy?" Chay asks, taking another bite himself.

Kim nods, "almost like you."

Chay huffs, "it's my job here to flirt with you, remember?"

Kim rolls his eyes, "can't believe you really said it on stage."

Chay smirks, "should I kiss you instead, next time?"

"How about you kiss me now?"

"Hmm, sounds good," Chay leans in, their lips meeting in the sweetest kind of kiss. The taste of chocolate still lingers on their tongues as they meet in the heated dance of love. And then just like that, Chay pulls away and takes the last bite of the donut. 

Kim's hands squeeze Chay's waist, eyes narrowed, glaring at Chay, "did you just exchange me for a donut?"

"Of course, I did," Chay shrugs. "Donut makes me happy. You make me...  horny."

Kim smirks, "we can do something about that."




Chay has one hand in front of Kim and the other on his back, carefully guarding him through the crowd of fans at the airport. Airports are always a mayhem. And in front of hotels, it's the same, but Kim never says one negative word. He always gets patiently through the crowd, and only when they are alone, he squeezes Chay's hand tightly, trying to calm himself from those suffocating moments.

"Okay, babe?"Chay asks worried.

"Yeah," Kim nods, "now I'm good." He looks at his fans who are still trying to get a glimpse of him before he goes through the gate and gets on the plane. "Wanna give them something to talk about?"

Chay chuckles, "what do you wanna do?"

"Kiss you."

"Are you sure about that?" Chay asks. 

"I am if you are," Kim nods, lips pressed into a thin line. It's a big step, but the majority of the public already thinks that they are dating so fuck it!

Chay grins, "let's make them scream then."

And Chay is right, the moment their lips touch, the creams at the airport are so loud that the airport security for a moment panics, thinking that something is very wrong. But the opposite is the truth. Everything is perfect. WIK and his bodyguard are perfect.