98. ☆ The Muse Lovers ☆

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— A photographer and a painter both lost their muse somewhere along the way. But a trip from a hectic city to far away nature might help. Or...Two lonely souls searching for their muse will find more than that in each other's arms —

There's a canvas abandoned at the atelier waiting to be brought to life with a painting unlike any other

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There's a canvas abandoned at the atelier waiting to be brought to life with a painting unlike any other.

At least that's how Kim's paintings used to be described as 'unlike any other' and then Kim stopped painting.  Not entirely. And not because he wanted to. But because he just can't. Everything he tries to paint is awful, useless, ugly, childish, worthy of being thrown into the trash, or burned right on the spot.

At least, that's how he sees it. Others, of course, are saying different things; 'it's beautiful, Kim!' 'I would definitely buy this one' 'so, when can we see it in a museum?' 'oh, to be as talented as you.' 

Lie after lie after lie. They are all saying it because they don't want to hurt his feelings. But he knows his art. And he knows that this isn't it. Somewhere along the way, he has lost his muse, and he has no idea how to get it back. 

But how do you get back something you don't even know what it used to be when you had it? Artists always talk about their muses, and now they are making better art because of them, but Kim never had one. At least he didn't think he did. His art was always exactly what he wanted it to be. His paintings screamed him. And the clothes he pained for himself were exactly what he wanted to wear. It was all his self-expression. No muse needed, but then one day it just wasn't it. He picked up a brush, but the strokes were weird. The colours didn't blend well together the way they always did before. He even tried to paint with his favourite brush, the one he got on his twentieth birthday from his grandmother shortly before she passed away. He painted with that brush only occasionally, not wanting to overuse it. But he ended up throwing that unfinished painting into the trash.

Something was wrong. Very wrong.  Did he... lose his muse?

It's been a couple of months already, and Kim is getting desperate. On some days, he feels like his soul is dying.

"Kimhan, stop drinking!"

"Uhmm," Kim nods and grabs another shot of vodka, ready to get it into his system.

"Stop!" Kim's friend, Boom, grabs Kim's wrist and forces it back on the bar counter. "Listen to me. Maybe I know how you can get your muse back."

That spikes up Kim's interest. He lets go of the shot of vodka and turns fully to his friend, "I'm all ears..."

Boom smirks, "how about you leave the city? Visit nature. Somewhere where it's quiet. Get inspired by the sound of a crystal clear stream running through the forest, birds chirping in the morning, and bees flying around pretty flowers. Connect with your inner self or some shit."

Kim hums, nodding, "and now, tell me where can I find such place?"

Boom's smirk gets even wider, "my granny."