2. ☆ Our First Murder ☆

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"I'm gonna kill your fucking father!" Chay bursts into Kim's apartment, throwing his keys on a table

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"I'm gonna kill your fucking father!" Chay bursts into Kim's apartment, throwing his keys on a table.

"I'm on board. How and when?" Kim stands up from a sofa and sneaks his hand around Chay's waist. Pressing his lips on Chay's forehead he asks, "what happened, angel?"

Chay huffs, grabbing Kim by his nape and crashing their lips together. He hums into the kiss, his body immediately relaxing. After a moment he breaks off the kiss and hooks one of his fingers around Kim's necklaces, playing with the guitar pick that hangs from one of the chains. "What happened? Your father happened as he always does. I'm so tired of his fake shitty ass acting like he is freaking Mother Teresa!"

Kim bites his tongue not to start laughing, "Mother Teresa?"

"Laugh if you want to, baby," Chay himself cracks up a smile, "but seriously, it's so frustrating to watch him act all nice and shit when we have so much dirt on him. And it's even worse seeing how for some stupid reason hia and p'Kinn are eating all his shit up. You know what he came up with today?" Chay sighs, "he wants to send me to study at Juilliard."

Kim squeezes Chay's waist and clenches his jaw, "no!"

"Of course, not," Chay agrees, "and I said the same thing to him and hia but they both think it's an amazing idea. God," Chay groans, "it's so fucking clear he just wants to separate us... I'm really not about to play this fucking game again so yeah, today I'm really in the mood for killing your father." Chay smiles, feeling better after getting it all out of his chest. He gives Kim, who is still quiet, a quick peck on the lips and slips out of his arms, throwing himself on the sofa he grabs Kim's phone and starts scrolling through it.

Kim kneels in front of Chay and puts his hands over Chay's to get his attention. "Have you ever thought how it would feel if you killed someone?"

Chay is looking at Kim like he knows exactly what Kim has on his mind. It's nothing new, they are at that stage of their relationship where they know each other better than they know themselves. It's a beautiful feeling and also comes in very handy when they are on a mission together. They have been on quite a few mafia missions together but Chay hasn't kill anyone yet.

Chay slowly nods, "before this whole mafia thing no but after yes and especially after I saw you do it."

Kim interlocks their fingers and brings Chay's hand to his lips, "I've been playing with the idea of killing my father and just ending this entire circus for a while... I just wasn't sure how to approach it. I know that you are just angry now and do not really mean it but, I still wanted to tell you."

"I want to do it."

"Huh?" Kim looks up at Chay, confused. "I want to help you kill your father," Chay's voice is strong and determined, Kim didn't catch even an ounce of hesitation in his voice. Kim sits up next to Chay and cups his cheeks, "you have to be sure about this, angel. There's no way back once you kill someone."

"Almost everyone around me already killed someone; time to join the club," Chay smiles and Kim could swear that for a moment he felt a shiver run down his spine.

Kim knocks on Korn's office door and walks in, "dad."

"Kimhan, sit down," Korn leans back in his chair and looks at Kim with cold calculating eyes, "what brings you here?"

Kim doesn't sit down, he walks to the silver tray with whiskey that stands on top of a little table in the corner and pours a glass for both his father and him. With swift and precise moves he adds into his father's glass enough of milled Xanax that it would knock out pretty quickly even a horse. Kim twirls the glass a couple of times to make sure that the milled pills are not seen and then he turns back to his father, "you gonna want to have a drink after this..." Kim drops his tone for a moment... "a celebratory one."

Korn takes the glass and smirks, "what's the occasion?"

Kim takes a sip from his glass, "I broke up with Porchay. You were right, he is just a useless toy. Don't get me started about how boring the sex was..."

Korn laughs. It's the laugh of a false winner, it's raspy and loud, coming all the way from his gut. He gulps down the whole glass at once and Kim has to take a sip of his own whiskey to not start laughing—geez dad, how stupid can you be? Kim tries his best to talk about completely irrelevant things for a couple of minutes, waiting for the Xanax to start working and then it does.

Korn opens his eyes only after Chay splashes an entire bottle of whiskey in his face. "Sleeping beauty finally woke up?" Chay grins.

Korn growls, twisting and shaking his body but nothing seems to work, he is too well tied to the chair. "What the fuck is this?"

"Your last moments, dad," Kim says and Korn's head snaps towards Kim.

"Kimhan, how dare you!" Korn shouts.

"How dare I?" Kim lets out a scornful laugh, "how dare you hurt all of us for so long?!" Kim hands Chay a knife, and kisses him, "go for it, angel."

Kim turns back to his father, "you really thought that I would let go of Chay ever again?" Kim chuckles, "pretty delusional of you, really."

Chay steps in front of Korn, he leans closer to the man on the chair trembling with rage, "not that it's any of your business but sex with me is phenomenal!" Second later a loud scream echoes through the office as the knife that was just in Chay's hand is now deep in Korn's right eye. "Oops," Chay fake gasps, "I was aiming for the left one. Sorry, it's my first time. Let me try again."

Somewhere at the back, Kim laughs. Chay grabs the knife and without any mercy, he pulls it out. Korn is barely mumbling a quiet "n-no."

"Can't really hear you. What did you say?" Chay leans closer again, "what? You want me to stab you? Oh gladly." Chay stabs Korn in his stomach for the first time, "this is for my mother!"

Second time, "for my father!"

Third time, "my hia!"

Fourth time, "my Kim!"

Fifth time, "everyone you ever fucking hurt!"

Sixth time, "me!"

Chay twists the knife until a crimson-red blood pours out of Korn's mouth and then steps away dropping the bloody knife on the floor. His hands and his clothes—everything is covered in blood but it doesn't freak Chay out, in fact, Chay is at peace. There's finally calmness in his heart.

Kim wraps Chay into a hug, "you were incredible, angel. How do you feel?"

Chay smiles, "peaceful. You?"

"Me too."

"It's over?" Chay asks.

"It's over, angel. I love you."

"I love you, p'Kim," Chay traces his bloody fingers over Kim's lips and kisses him.