72. ☆ Demon's Heart ☆

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— Everyone always prays to God for help but no one prays to demons... maybe they should. Oh, maybe they really should —

Chay curls into a small bundle of fear and tears

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Chay curls into a small bundle of fear and tears. His fingers harshly digging into the skin around his knees. He tries to convince himself that here he is safe. At least a little bit. At least until his drunk uncle finds him and beats him almost to death again.

Chay thinks that he is pathetic—he just turned 19! He should no longer be so scared of his uncle. He shouldn't be hiding in the closet. He should step up to his uncle and tell him that he isn't in this world for his uncle to hit him whenever he feels like it. He should, he really should, so why does his body feel frozen? Why all he can do is pray to God to save him? Why does his body only flinch every time he hears another thing break in the house and his uncle screaming, yelling that he will find him no matter what? Why is Chay so weak?

"Oh, God, please please please..." Chay keeps mumbling under his breath.

"Why is everyone always praying to God? No wonder he is so busy."

Chay almost jumps out of his skin. Frantically he looks around. It's too dark in the closet, but he can clearly see him. The man is clothed in black, long dark hair is falling in strands to his face and his eyes—the look in them is so intense it makes Chay whimper.

"Who—who are you?"

The man smirks, "the name's Kimhan, little human. I'm a demon."

"Demon?" Chay wonders how fucked up he must be when he fears the demon right in front of him less than his uncle in another room? It doesn't feel right, and yet that's the truth.

"Lucifer's son to be precise," Kim adds. "Got bored in Hell and then I heard your prayers. Did you know that whenever a human is praying to God even we, down there, can hear it? Pretty embarrassing if you think about that, don't you think?"

Chay is looking at the demon with his mouth half open—what is this guy even talking about? "Umm what?" Chay asks and then he immediately flinches, his hand uncontrollably grabbing Kim's arm. His uncle screamed again and it was close close close... he is almost here. Chay can already feel his uncle's hand squeezing his throat too hard, willing him to die.

"Need help?" Kim cocks his eyebrow.

"Y-you can?"Chay sobs out, hand still clutching onto Kim's arm.

"Sure I can. Better than that guy up there you all love to pray to so much. However," Kim opens his palm and a scroll of paper appears in his hand, "need your soul first, darling."

Chay is surprised at how fast he agrees. He thinks that there's nothing he has to lose. He doesn't have anyone and life with his uncle never felt like life to begin with. It was more like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. So what does it matter if he will lose his soul as well? It's not like he ever used it anyway. He doesn't even know what is a soul for.