36. ☆ My Bodyguard, My Rules ☆

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Chay wakes up out of breath, with his heart threatening to jump out of his chest

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Chay wakes up out of breath, with his heart threatening to jump out of his chest. He clutches his bedsheets, trying to ground himself. His parents died, again. As if it wasn't enough that he was there when it happened, he also has to keep seeing it in his nightmares over and over again.

Recently it has been easier to calm down from nightmares like that.

Since he has Kim a lot of things have been easier.

"Kim!" he shouts.


This is weird. It's almost 9 am. Kim should be already standing in front of Chay's door, waiting for the first order of the day.


The door finally slowly opens—too slowly for it to be the only person Chay wants to see right now.

"Khun Porchay," a bodyguard greeted. Some random bodyguard, not Kim!

"You aren't Kimhan."

"No, sir."

"Where's Kim?"


Chay is running out of patience, "I asked where's my personal bodyguard?!"

"I... I don't know, khun Porchay," the bodyguard ducks his head down, his hands clasped behind his back.

"You don't know?" Chay raises his voice, "leave! I don't need you."


"Leave!" Chay shouts, reaching for his phone even before the bodyguard is fully out of the room.

"Phi... where are you?" Chay mumbles as he dials Kim's number, his fingers subconsciously playing with a ring on his ring finger.

*the number you are trying to reach is no longer in service* The robotic voice on the line says and Chay's blood runs cold.

He tries to call the number ten more times, trying to persuade himself and the reality that this is a mistake! That if he calls one more time the number will be working and Kim will pick up, using his usual greeting... "Hey, pretty doll..."

Chay can almost hear the tone of Kim's voice and the raspiness in it that keeps driving him crazy... and Kim knows it. But nothing. Ten tries and reality didn't change.

Chay gets up. He knows that must be his brother's doing. They have to talk.


Chay's steps are loud as he speeds down the hall to Porsche's office. He is about to reach for the doorknob when a hand in a pitch-black suit stops him, "I'm sorry, khun Porchay but you can't go inside."

Porchay cocks his eyebrow, "why?"

"Your brother is in the middle of a very important call with investors from South Korea—"