45. ☆ Heavenly ☆

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— what would you do if you stumble upon your nerdy CEO in the middle of the night? He is beaten up, blood covering his face but instead of calling for help, he takes out a gun and shoots someone right behind you. Chay runs! —

At least he tries, he really does, but it's dark and the concrete under his feet is uneven and he is in shock and the gunshot still rings in his ear and then his boss orders him to STOP!   Chay stops in his tracks, taking a deep breath, painfully ...

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At least he tries, he really does, but it's dark and the concrete under his feet is uneven and he is in shock and the gunshot still rings in his ear and then his boss orders him to STOP! Chay stops in his tracks, taking a deep breath, painfully slow he turns around.

His boss is walking towards him, casually brushing off an invisible dust from his shoulder as if nothing had happened.

"I... uhmm... are you alright, Khun Kim?" Fuck, Chay's voice is shaking and his body... his body is shaking too.

Kim sneaks his arm around Chay's shoulders, letting Chay support the weight of his body. He sighs, but it's more of a casual almost playful kind of sound, "let's walk you home, Porchay. This isn't the place for you."

"But... but khun Kim, what about you?" Chay's hand flies out to Kim's face but then it stops in horror. Shit! What is he doing? He can't touch his boss like that!

Kim just chuckles, taking Chay's hand and pressing it on his cheek, moving it down to his blood-stained lips.

Chay gulps down.

"See? Just some minor scratches," Kim shrugs and lets go of Chay's hand that falls down so fast, it startles Chay. He realizes that this is the first time he sees his boss without glasses. He realizes that he likes him like this too. He realizes that he likes both versions of his boss. He realizes that he shouldn't.

"Why were you here at this hour, Porchay?" Kim suddenly asks, walking Chay to his car in the parking lot across the street.

Chay wants to ask the same, but instead, he bites his tongue and looks at Kim with his Bambi eyes, "I was going home from the company, khun Kim."

"Why chose this route? You have safer ways to get home," Kim's harsh voice strikes through Chay's body like a sword.

He isn't mad, is he? "I... I... this is a shortcut."

"For a fucking shortcut!" Kim murmurs under his breath as he opens the door of his black Range Rover for Chay, "get in!"

A shiver runs down Chay's spine but he gets inside, putting on his seatbelt. He is watching his boss quietly for a couple of minutes, waiting for Kim to put on his seatbelt too.

They left the parking lot already, driving down the street... Chay finally finds his voice, "put on your seatbelt, please."

"Huh?" Kim glances at him for less than a moment before his eyes are fully on the road again.

"Your seatbelt, khun Kim, please," Chay repeats, a little bit louder."

Kim doesn't move a muscle. The seatbelt still hanging unused beside him.