10. ☆ Shhh ☆

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— KimChay are back together but their relationship is secret. But that won't stop Kim from sneaking into Chay's room in the middle of the night while Porsche is still awake right in the next room —

The quiet knocking on the door gets Chay's attention just when he has turned off all the lights and grabbed his phone to text Kim good night

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The quiet knocking on the door gets Chay's attention just when he has turned off all the lights and grabbed his phone to text Kim good night. Chay tiptoes towards the door and opens them; his body is immediately swapped into a bone-crushing hug and his face is peppered with butterfly kisses.

"Phiii," Chay giggles.

"I missed you, baby," Kim presses his lips on Chay's, his hands travelling up and down Chay's spine.

Chay smiles into the kiss but pushes Kim away and locks the door. "Hia is right in the next room. What are you doing here, phi?"

Kim smirks and pulls Chay into another hug, "I miss my wonderful boyfriend. Plus, this is my house too. I can be wherever I want to be."

Chay nods, "that's valid," he wraps his arms around Kim's neck, "what if hia comes to check up on me?"

Kim shrugs, "you won't open the door. And in the morning you'll say that you were already asleep so you didn't hear anything."

Chay slaps Kim's shoulder, "you are so wicked, p'Kim."

"Yup, I know," Kim turns them around and walks with Chay until Chay's legs hit the side of the bed and they both fall on it.

Chay squeals into Kim's shoulder and looks up at Kim, "and now what, huh?"

"I wanna cuddle," Kim pouts.

"Yeah?" Chay cocks his eyebrow, "then let go of me and take off your clothes first."

"Ohh," Kim kisses Chay's neck, "all of them, baby?"

Chay laughs, pushing Kim to roll away, "not tonight... hia remember?" Chay suddenly makes a disgusted grimace and visibly shudders.

Kim chuckles, getting out of bed, "what's so disgusting, baby?"

"Since they moved into the next room I have to sleep with earplugs."

Kim tries to hide his smile as he takes off his jeans but he can't help the laugh that escapes his lips.

"Don't laugh!" Chay throws a pillow at Kim, "I really don't find it pleasant to hear hia moaning how good p'Kinn's dick is."

Kim scrunches his nose and nods, "you are right." He gets in bed, sneaking one hand around Chay's waist and presses a kiss on his forehead, "I hope my baby doesn't have nightmares from it."

Chay laughs, shaking his head, "music is my saviour."

"Yeah?" Kim runs his fingers up and down Chay's arm, "who do you listen to, hmm?"

Chay scoots a little closer, his bambi eyes, glistening with mischief in the dimly lit room, "not sure you know him. He isn't really that talented either."