9. ☆ No Such Pain ☆

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— If there's one thing that gets Kim's blood boiling more than anything it's seeing his angel being uncomfortable in any way —

— If there's one thing that gets Kim's blood boiling more than anything it's seeing his angel being uncomfortable in any way —

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Kim parks in front of Chay's university at exactly 3:55 pm. Chay's last class finished 5 minutes ago so he should be out soon. Kim relaxes in his seat, watching the front gate of the university and tons of students walking in and out of the building. His mind wanders towards his angel in the morning when he jumped up and down and threw himself on Kim all excited and happy because yessss the last day before summer break!

Kim curves his lips into a smile, he isn't sure whether he or Chay is the more excited one about the summer break. Summer break means that Kim will have his angel all to himself 24/7... it's going to be heaven! Yeah, Kim can't wait. Just a couple of more minutes and Kim is never going to let Chay out of his arms.

Kim's heart starts to beat faster and his smile gets bigger the moment he sees Chay stepping out of the school, but it drops immediately when Chay sharply turns to a guy walking next to him and resolutely shakes his head.

Kim frowns, clenching his jaw, he's watching Chay's every move, at this point, he can read Chay's body language more than he can read words on a paper. Chay isn't comfortable which means Kim isn't comfortable either.

Chay has stopped walking glaring at the guy next to him, and Kim has enough.

Chay sighs, "look, Alex, I said 𝙣𝙤! I don't know how else to tell you this. I have a boyfriend who I 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 and trust me, he won't be pleased to see you try anything.

"Jealousy?" Alex chuckles, "that's not good, Chay. Don't you want someone better?"

"Trust me, Alex, if he finds out, jealousy will be nothing compared to what he'll do to you. So stop! See you around," Chay starts walking again just to be pulled back to Alex by a tight grip around his wrist. He winces, "what the—"

Chay's wrist is suddenly free and Alex is laying on the ground.

"Uhm, phi," Chay breathes out.

Kim looks up at Chay from the ground where he is pinning Alex down, "hi, angel, are you okay?"

Chay nods, "yeah, yeah, I'm good now."

Kim lets out the breath he was holding and turns his attention back to Alex, all angry and red, flat on the ground. "Why were you bothering my boyfriend?" Kim's voice is quiet but cold and threatening even though all he is doing is just asking a simple question.

"Let me fucking go you bastard!" Alex yells, trying to push Kim away but Kim just laughs, "don't move so much or you gonna hurt yourself before I can do it myself! You know what I hate the most? When someone makes my angel uncomfortable. It makes me angry," Kim leans closer to Alex, "deadly angry!"

"Let me fucking go!" Alex spits. "Chay, Chay, tell him to let me fucking go!"

"Don't ever fucking talk to my Chay again!" Kim says coldly and starts punching Alex over and over again; each hit a little stronger, each leaving more blood on Alex's face and Kim's knuckles.

Chay is just standing there, biting his bottom lip and watching as Kim's fist hits Alex over and over again. 𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩, 𝙥'𝙆𝙞𝙢, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚, Chay pouts, "p'Kim...that's enough." 

Kim's fist lands on Alex's broken jaw one last time before he stands up and presses a kiss on Chay's forehead, "angel, are you okay?"

Chay nods, "yes, but your hand..."

Kim shakes his head, "it's nothing. Let's go home."

Chay smiles a little, "uhm, okay," he turns to Alex for a moment.

Alex is slowly getting up from the ground, blood dripping down his face, "fuck this shit, you fucker, you gonna fucking pay for this!"

"You know," Chay starts, "I don't wanna be that person but 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪."

"Does it hurt too much?" Chay sniffs.

Kim looks at Chay, his heart clenches with pain, "angel, please don't cry. It's nothing; I'm okay."

"You hurt yourself because of me."

Kim cups Chay's cheek, "angel, that fucker touched you. He is lucky that he ended up only with a broken jaw."

"I know, p'Kim, I know but still..." Chay sniffs again, "I don't want you to get hurt in any way."

"Chay," Kim whispers softly, "it's just a little bruised. It's nothing."

"It's not nothing to me!" Chay puts the first aid kit away and climbs on Kim's lap. "Imagine if it was the other way around and I had my knuckles bruised would you be ok—"

"Don't even finish that sentence, angel!" Kim clenches his jaw, wrapping his arms around Chay and pulling Chay into his embrace. "Don't ever say that, Chay. And don't cry, please."

Chay rests his head on Kim's shoulder and melts into Kim's touch that always feels like home; that 𝙞𝙨 home. "I'm sorry, I just... I saw hia being hurt many times when he used to do street fights... I just don't wanna see both of the most important people in my life getting hurt. Hia was enough."

"Angel," Kim says, kissing Chay's ear, "look at me, angel."

Chay raises his head and looks at Kim, "yeah?"

"Am I allowed to use something else besides my hands to hurt people who bother you?"

Chay smiles, "everything works as long as you don't hurt yourself."

Kim nods, "well, angel, then I promise you to use something else instead of my bare hands next time, okay?"

Chay pouts, "well, you should because your bare hands should be 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 for me!"

Kim laughs, "in completely different context... yes that's true, angel."

Chay takes Kim's injured hand in his, "is it 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 okay?"

"Honest?" Kim asks.

"Honest," Chay nods.

"It stings more than it hurts," Kim says, "it's normal. It will be okay in a couple of days... and," Kim leans closer to Chay, "it's gonna heal sooner if I get some kisses."

Chay giggles, "I'm not dumb, p'Kim. That's not how it works. Just say you wanna kisses."

"Of course, that's how it works, angel. Love heals everything."

"Ohh, since when are you so romantic, hmm?"

"Since I'm dating an angel," Kim whispers into Chay's lips, kissing him slowly, teasing Chay's lips with his tongue and deepening the kiss at the sound of Chay's sweet moan.

"You are stuck with me for the entire summer break, angel," Kim whispers after their lips part.

"Hmmm, sounds like a good time," Chay whispers back.

"The best time," Kim says as he kisses Chay again.