80. ☆ Skin to Skin ☆

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— Chay comes down with the flu, but no worries, Kim is an amazing boyfriend who found one very specific way to help Chay feel better —

P.S. this one is for @starlight185758💖

 this one is for @starlight185758💖

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It started with a full-body shiver. Then, a headache and muscle pain joined the party. Now, Chay is curled under at least a million different blankets, his head is bored under his pillow, and he feels like dying. Man, Chay hates the flu.

It always makes his life miserable at least for a week. Chay groans, rolling himself over from one side to the other. He wants Kim. But he also doesn't want to make Kim sick. But having Kim close would definitely make Chay feel better. Should he call him?

Should he not? Maybe hearing Kim's voice would be enough. Besides, Kim said he'll call Chay right after he is done with filming his music video today. So, it's pointless to hide from Kim that he got sick. Kim would hear it in his voice sooner or later.

So, Chay slowly shuffles around until he finds his phone and calls Kim. Kim picks up almost immediately, "hi, baby. I'm almost done with filming."

"Phi... that's good. I hope that everything is going well," Chay starts coughing the moment he says those words, immediately giving away his condition.

Kim's voice immediately changes; he is worried. "baby, are you sick? What happened?"

"I think I got the flu," Chay sighs. "I just wanted to hear your voice..."

"I'll be with you in thirty minutes, baby," Chay can hear in the background that Kim has already started packing his things and is telling someone that he'll be leaving and that he doesn't care—they'll finish filming next time.

"Phi, you don't have to. Just finish filming. I don't want to make you sick—"

"No such thing, baby. I'm coming to you. Do you have a fever?"


"Okay. I know how to make it better. Just wait for me."

"I'm stuck in bed, phi. I promise I'm not going anywhere," Chay smiles.

"Good boy."


Chay is somewhere between dreaming and reality when he feels the bed next to him moving and hears Kim calling his name.

"Chay, baby, how do you feel?"

"Better with you," Chay mumbles and reaches out for Kim's hand.

"Yes, baby, I'm here. I'm here," Kim caresses Chay's hair and stands up. "I read about different ways to bring down fevers and found one that looks really interesting to try."

Chay looks up at Kim in silent question, but then he gets really confused. Why is Kim taking off his t-shirt? "Why are you shirtless?"

"Because you have to be as well," Kim sits back on the bed and helps Chay to sit up before he starts taking off Chay's t-shirt.

"Phi, I'm too weak to do stuff like this."

"I know, baby. I know. I don't want to have sex with you now. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I wanted to do that? I'm just going to hold you. That way I'll absorb part of your body heat, and you'll feel better."

"Are you sure that will work?" Chay asks, shivering from fever.

"I don't know, but even if it doesn't, at least we'll cuddle. Don't you wanna cuddle with me, hmm?" Kim leans in and presses a kiss on Chay's hot forehead.

"I don't want to get you sick," Chay pouts.

"Don't worry about that, baby. I'll do everything to make you feel better," Kim gently pushes Chay to lie down again, and he lies down on top of him, pressing his lips to Chay's cheek. "Just relax, baby, and try to sleep. I'll be here with you."

Chay nuzzles himself as close to Kim as possible. He inhales the scent of Kim's cologne, which makes him feel like he is home, and he smiles tiredly, "you work like magic—I already feel a little bit better."

"I am a wizard," Kim proudly states, smiling when Chay giggles. 

"And here I thought that being a singer who is also in the mafia is a combination weird enough."

 "I'll be everything you want me to be, Chay. All you have to do is ask," Kim says and kisses Chay's temple. "Everything that will make you happy."

"I love you, phi," Chay whispers, hugging Kim close. He isn't sure if having Kim's naked skin like this on his own right now is really helping or not, but he is happy to have Kim like this, to have him this close, to feel how loved he is. Kim doesn't even know how happy he makes Chay just by being this close.

"I love you, baby. So so much," Kim pulls the blanket to cover them all the way and presses a kiss right on Chay's lips.

"Phiii, now you gonna be sick for real!"

"Good. At least I'll have an excuse to be with you here 24/7," Kim grins.

"You are ridiculous," Chay rolls his eyes.

"Oh ohhh, look at that rolling your eyes at me and calling me ridicolous—looks like someone isn't as sick as he says he is," Kim cocks his eyebrow.

"I am," Chay whines and hides himself in Kim's neck.

"Okay, okay, let's sleep, baby. I'll get you a delicious, healthy soup after we wake up."

"Will you eat with me?"

"I will," Kim pecks Chay's lips again. "Sleep well, baby."

"You too, p'Kim."