95. ☆ Nap Date ☆

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"Hiaaaaaa," Chay groans, hands on his hips, he is glaring at his brother, who seems to have all the time in the world, eating his breakfast

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"Hiaaaaaa," Chay groans, hands on his hips, he is glaring at his brother, who seems to have all the time in the world, eating his breakfast.

"Yes, nong?" Porsche asks innocently.

"P'Kim will be here in five minutes, and you are still here!"

"It's my house too."

"But I'm having a nap date with, p'Kim here!"

"What even is that nap date?" Porsche frowns, standing up from the table and putting the empty plate away.

"We are going to sleep," Chay rolls his eyes. It's literally in the name 'nap date'.

Porsche turns to Chay, quickly, "what are you going to do?"

"Sleep, hia. Sleep. P'Kim will hug me tightly and—"


Chay sighs, plopping down on the sofa "first of all—I'm 22. And second of all—the sex date was yesterday."

Porsche turns green and then too pale, "w...what did you say...?"

"I said that p'Kinn is definitely waiting for you, all alone in his room. Feeling cold because there isn't his favourite bodyguard to hug him... poor p'Kinn.... really..." Chay pouted.

"How could I raise you like this?" Porsche shakes his head and takes his phone and car keys. "Tell Kimhan, I am watching him!"

Chay grabs his phone the moment Porsche is out of the door. He sends Kim a text and a selfie.

— the air is clear 💖 —

A minute later, the door opens, and Kim sneaks in, "I still think we should just cuddle in front of him so he would get used to it sooner

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A minute later, the door opens, and Kim sneaks in, "I still think we should just cuddle in front of him so he would get used to it sooner."

"You want to give him a heart attack, don't you?" Chay laughs and grabs Kim by his leather jacket, pulling him down on the sofa.

"I missed you, baby," Kim breathes in Chay's honey scent, which recently started to blend more and more with Kim's heavier sandalwood and leather. Kim loves the way their scents blend together. If only the air could smell like this everywhere he goes.

"I missed you too, phi," Chay settles in Kim's arms and raises his head to look at Kim. "Yesterday, when you left, I couldn't sleep. I think we should spend more nights together."

Kim kisses Chay's forehead and makes his way with butterfly kisses to Chay's lips, his lips are teasingly brushing over Chay's, "how about you move in with me? We can ask Porsche—"

Chay stops Kim, kissing him slowly, but deeply, savouring every touch of Kim's lips on his own. Moving in with Kim...   He pulls away, leaving Kim panting for more. "We are not asking anyone! Let's just do it! Hia can sulk for a bit, that's fine."

And if Kim didn't think that he could be even happier with Chay... now he is.  "Porsche is going to say that I have a bad influence on you, but you know what? I don't even care," Kim pulls Chay into another kiss, his mind wondering if there could be something better than waking up every morning to feel the warmth of his boyfriend right next to him.